The Apologetics of Jesus & Paul (2021 Course), Session 3 of 6 - "Beelzebul's Tool?" (Matthew 12:22-30)
Apologetics, podcast, Hammer & Anvil SocietyGuest Userapologetics, apologetics of Jesus, apologetics of Paul, How Jesus Did Apologetics, What kind of apologetics did Jesus use, What kind of apologetics did Paul use, Biblical Apologetics, Reformed Apologetics, Covenantal Apologetics, Presup, presupp, presup, presuppositionalism, presuppositional, Presuppositional Apologetics, presuppositional apologetics, presuppositional apologetics for kids, apologetics for dads, apologetics for men, Joel Settecase, Think Institute, The Think Institute, Hammer and Anvil society, hammer and anvil, free apologetics course, apologetics training
General Revelation and Presuppositional Apologetics (For Fathers) with Dr. Owen Anderson
Apologetics, Theology, General RevelationGuest Userapologetics, general revelation, owen anderson, joel settecase, presuppositionalism, pres, presupp, presup, Presup, presuppositional, Presuppositional Apologetics, datpresupp, #datpresup
The Apologetics of Jesus & Paul (2021 Course), Session 2 of 6 - "The Heels and the Healing" (Matthew 12:1-14)
Apologetics, Courses, Education, podcastGuest UserApologetics, Apologetics of Jesus, Biblical Apologetics, Presuppositional Apologetics, Presup, DatPresup, Joel Settecase, How Did Jesus Argue, How Jesus Did Apologetics, Gospels, Reformed Apologetics, Covenantal Apologetics, Think Institute, The Think Institute
The Apologetics of Jesus & Paul (2021 Course), Session 1 of 6 - Introduction to Biblical Presuppositionalism
Apologetics, CoursesGuest Userapologetics, joel settecase, Jesus, Paul, how did jesus debate, Christian Apologetics, The Think Institute, Think Institute, Think Podcast, ThinkPod, ThinkSquad
How to Raise Kids Who Can Defend the Faith [Updated 2021]
How to Share Christ With Your Gay Neighbors Without Affirming Their Lifestyle
Apologetics, Evangelism, Interviews, podcastGuest Usersam allberry, sam allberry gay, gay christian, does God hate fags, is God anti-Gay, what term to use for gays, gay marriage, gay neighbor, how to witness to gay neighbor, how to evangelize a gay neighbor
Another Apologetics AMA on Discord (June 22, 2021)
Apologetics AMA (on Discord) with Joel Settecase
Apologetics, podcast, Ask Me AnythingGuest UserApologetics, ama, ask me anything, street apologetics, joel settecase, think institute, discord, server, how to do apologetics, real life apologetics, datpresup, #datpresup, presuppositionalism, presuppositional, presuppositional apologetics
A Christian Response to the Immigration Crisis (Erwin Lutzer Returns).
Interviews, podcast, Worldview, WokenessGuest Usererwin lutzer, erwin lutzer book, pastor lutzer, we will not be silenced, immigration, immigration crisis, christian immigration, christian teaching on immigration, old testament, israel, moody church, moody bible institute, moody chicago, running to win, Joel Settecase, Evangelizing immigrants, refugee crisis
The Book of Job's Deeper, Philosophical Meaning
Apologetics, Bible, Interviews, Philosophy, podcastGuest Userbible, scripture, owen anderson, theology, philosophy, Job, the book of job, the problem of suffering, the problem of pain, apologetics, philosophical bible studfy, philosophical bible study, theological, sun devils, joel settecase, think institute, the think institute, bible commentary
How to Talk About Apologetics With Your Kids
Apologetics, Education, podcastGuest Userapologetics, education, kids, children, students, student ministry, apologetic ministry, think institute, how to teach apologetics, joel settecase, think institute network, the think institute, school, presup, presuppositional
An Introduction to Teaching Kids & Students Apologetics
Apologetics, podcast, Students, Worldview, Education, TeachingGuest Userapologetics, education, joel settecase, joel settecase apologetics, presupp, presup, presuppositionalism, datpresup, #datpresup, think institute, the think institute, apologetics for teens, apologetics for kids, presuppositional apologetics for kids, presuppositional apologetics, presuppositional, datpresupp, Worldview, teaching apologetics, worldview teaching
"Ride, Sally, Ride"—The Upcoming (Christian) Film About Sex Robots, Family Values and the Insanity of Woke Culture
Worldview, podcast, InterviewsGuest Userride sally ride, doug wilson, douglas wilson, sexbots, transhumanism, sexbot rights, robots, artificial intelligence, ai, think institute, christian movies, christian films, christian entertainment, christian novels, christian books, joseph granda, joel settecase, joseph granda interview, christian filmmaker, christian director, christian screenwriter
Apologetics & Evangelism In A Pub [Real Encounter]
podcast, Interviews, Apologetics, EvangelismGuest Userjoel settecase, think institute, think podcast, peter boland, 5 solas studios, pub, apologetics, evangelism, real audio, 5 solas
How to Engage In Street Apologetics
podcast, Interviews, ApologeticsGuest Userjoel settecase, think institute, think podcast, street evangelism, street preaching, open air evangelism, ray comfort, ryan denton, thethink, thinkpod, street apologetics, open air apologetics, datpresup
Was Marxism Inspired by Satan? | Paul Kengor
Worldview, podcast, InterviewsGuest Userpaul kengor, marxism, crt, critical race theory, karl marx, demonic ideology, is communism satanic, christian communist, satanism, demonic, karl marx demonic, joel settecase, think institute, grove city college, think podcast
The Trinity In The Old Testament | Dr. Igal German
podcast, Interviews, Culture, ApologeticsGuest Userjoel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, igal german, messianic judaism, messianic jewish scholar, hebrew scholar, trinity in the old testament, ot trinity
Shavuot/Pentecost Explained From A Messianic Jewish Perspective
Worldview, Interviews, podcastGuest Usershavuot, pentecost, messianic judaism, roy schwarcz, joel settecase, is pentecost shavuot, should we call pentecost shavuot, what is shavuot, shavuot for christians, feast of weeks, jewish holidays explained, think institute, roy messianic, messianic rabbi, messianic jew
The Canadian Church and State Persecution | Dr. Michael Thiessen
podcast, Interviews, Culture, Culture Building, WorldviewGuest Userjoel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, mardi gras evangelism, Michael Thiessen, Michael Theissen, Canadian Church, Church in Canada, Persecution, Persecuted Church, Liberty Coalition Canada
Plausibility Structures & Raising Kids That Don't Apostatize (with Mike D'Virgilio)
podcast, Interviews, Culture, Culture Building, EvangelismGuest Userjoel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, discipleship, great commission, evangelism, street preaching, zoe white, declaring truth, mardi gras evangelism