The Trinity In The Old Testament | Dr. Igal German

Is the Trinity a Christian invention? Is it an addition (probably an unnecessary and possibly even logically incoherent one) to the more simple, obvious, unitarian concept of God? And is it true that the Old Testament teaches the absolute oneness of God? Or, on the other hand, could it be that the Old Testament points toward the Triune nature of the Godhead—and that the clues are there, if one has eyes to see?

Today's episode is going to help answer these questions once and for all.

Specifically, you'll learn:

  • Why it's so important to know whether the Old Testament points to the Trinity.

  • 10 Ways to find the Trinity taught or alluded to in the Old Testament

  • What passages and themes actually point to the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament.

  • Why the Triune Nature of God is not a logical problem for Christians.

How Dr. Igal German's work with the Yesod Bible Center educates believers and non-believers in the powerful truth of God's word.

Dr. Igal German holds a PhD in Hebrew Bible from the University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto, as well as B.A. and M.A. in Biblical Studies from the University of Haifa, Israel. Dr. German has been teaching the Bible at a variety of academic institutions in Israel, Canada, and the United States. His expertise includes Old Testament studies, Second Temple Judaism, the New Testament, Biblical and Modern Hebrew, history of Israel, history of biblical interpretation, and apologetics. He is the author of the monograph, The Fall Reconsidered: A Literary Synthesis of the Primeval Sin Narratives against the Backdrop of the History of Exegesis.

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Classical Metal Workout by MusicLFiles

Synthie Intro by Sascha Ende