The T.H.I.N.K. Method of Biblical Study

Introducing a five-step approach to reading Scripture that will empower you to understand, apply and teach God's word in a deeper and more meaningful way.



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My name is Joel Settecase, and I developed the T.H.I.N.K. Method of Biblical Study to help believers study and interpret the Bible. 

Like any skill, mastering Bible interpretation does not happen overnight. As with learning to appreciate strong coffee, spicy cuisine, or fine wine, studying the Bible is an acquired taste. The more exposure you have to it, learning to notice its subtleties, understand its nuances and appreciate its qualities, the more enjoyable your study will become.

The T.H.I.N.K. Method of Biblical Study is a five-step approach to reading Scripture that will help you grow in your appreciation of God’s word. It will empower you to understand, apply and teach it in a deeper and more meaningful way. 

In 2 Timothy 3:16, the Apostle Paul says,

 "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness…" (2 Timothy 3:16, ESV). 

The steps of the T.H.I.N.K. Method are based on this passage. 

You can adapt this method to fit your needs. Use it to spend hours going deep into a biblical text, or for a quick study. You can use it alone or with a group. Whatever your goal for biblical study is, my hope is that the T.H.I.N.K. Method will help you reach it. 

Listen to the Podcast episode, “How to Study the Bible As a Christian Man In 2023” to learn this method and see it in action.


Before You Begin

There are a couple of things you should do before you dive in.


Open With Prayer

Ask for the Lord to speak to you and guide you into His word. "Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wondrous things from your instruction" (Psalm 119:18, CSB). 


Make Your Initial Observations:

Read the passage all the way through and make notes of the following:

  • Author 

  • Original audience

  • Genre of the passage

  • Estimated date of writing

  • Historical setting

  • People mentioned

  • Major events that take place

  • Important ideas discussed

  • Problems introduced

  • Sins committed or condemned

  • Scriptural context—What’s written before and after this?

  • Parallels to today

  • Similar passages

  • Gospel Pointers—Does it point forward / back to Christ? 

  • Why do you think God included this passage in the Bible?

  • Why do you think God wanted you to read this today?


Now, It’s Time to “T.H.I.N.K.” Through the Passage. Dig in and mine the text for gold. The T.H.I.N.K. method consists of five steps: "Teaching," "Heart," "Illumination," "Now What," and “Knowledge Needed.” 

Now let’s go through each step in greater detail.First, we will look at what the passage is…

👨‍🏫 Teaching

Seek to understand the main point of the passage.

What does this passage teach us about...

  • God? Father, Son, Holy Spirit, His authority, His control, His presence in the world or with his people.

  • The world? How things ought to be, how things are, how things could be?

  • Mankind? Human condition, needs, potential, deeds, etc.

  • Yourself? Are there generalities you fit into? Is there a specific element of your experience being addressed? 

In a perfect world, what does this passage say we ought to believe, value or do?

Now you know what big idea the passage is teaching. But we are sinners—even as followers of Jesus, we still have sin (1 John 1:8). We do not believe or obey perfectly—and all too often we fall short. So let’s now look at how this passage speaks to the…

🖤 Heart 

Get God's diagnosis of the human condition.

How does the big idea of this passage confront…

  • Society’s values—what society says is important?

  • Your own values—the things and ideas you take seriously?

  • Cultural pursuits—what people chase after or indulge in?

  • Our desires—for comfort, gratification, stimulation or satisfaction?

  • Our pride—ambition, glory, or wanting to be viewed as good, great or important?

  • Our fears—of death, discomfort, failure, rejection, mistreatment or missing out?

How have you (or others) specifically fallen short and failed to live up to the Teaching?

How does this passage confront the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life? (1 John 2:16).

Now you have seen how this passage addresses man’s sinful heart. Thank God He doesn’t leave us there. We will now look at how the passage is connected to the glorious Good News of Jesus Christ. Let’s look at how the Gospel provides…

☀️ Illumination 

See by the light of the Gospel. 

The Gospel is the truth that Jesus Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, was buried, and was raised to life on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1–9). How does this passage reflect or connect with that good news?

  • How has Jesus succeeded where we failed? 

  • How does Christ’s atoning death solve our sinful heart’s problem?

  • How does His resurrection set us free?

  • How can the condition that this passage “diagnoses” be fixed by the Gospel?

  • How is the truth of the Gospel a better story than the one told by our culture?

  • How does the Lord Jesus meet our needs—including our need to obey God?

  • How is Jesus greater and better than everything else we desire?

At this point you have uncovered how the Gospel illuminates this passage. It’s time to learn to live it out, by asking…

🥾 Now What?

Put God's word into action.

In light of what you have just studied, how should you respond? What does God want you to do now? Think critically about how you can apply what you’ve learned in your…

  • Family

  • Church

  • Small Group

  • Work

  • Social life

  • Personal life

  • Local area

Who else needs to know about this? When will you tell him or her?

Now that you have a handle on what your next steps will be, things might not feel totally wrapped up. A few things might still be unclear. Or this text may have raised new questions for you. Take a minute to assess the…

❓ Knowledge Needed  

Keep exploring God's word.

What further questions do you have? Consider:

  • Are there any unanswered questions? 

  • Is there anything from the passage you are still curious about?

  • What objections might a non-Christian raise about anything you’ve just studied?

  • What doubts might a Christian (including yourself) have about this text?

  • How would you respond to those objections or doubts?

  • What next steps can you take to start getting these answers? Is there someone you can ask?


Studying the Bible well is one of the most important things you can do for your Christian life. I pray that the T.H.I.N.K. Method of Biblical Study helps you understand, follow and teach God’s word to others. 

In Christ, Joel Settecase

Founder of the Think Institute

Listen to the Podcast episode, “How to Study the Bible As a Christian Man In 2023” to learn this method and see it in action.