catakids, Articles, Catechesis, Education, Discipleship, podcastGuest Usercatakids, catechism, kids podcast, christian kids, sunday school, christian resources, christian education, religious education
Are Hollywood Movies Retelling A Satanic Myth? (Joseph Campbell's Monomyth Theory and the Bible)
podcast, Interviews, Culture, Culture Building, EvangelismGuest Userjoel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, discipleship, great commission, evangelism, street preaching, zoe white, declaring truth, mardi gras evangelism
Psalm 53:1 Explained: The Fool Says In His Heart, "There Is No God"
Bible, Blog, Articles, Atheism, WorldviewGuest Usergeneva bible, psalm 53, the fool says in his heart, answer a fool, atheism, atheist, refuting atheism, biblical apologetics, joel settecase, think institute
3 Kinds of Objections You Will Get
Apologetics, Articles, Q&A, podcast, ObjectionsGuest Userapologetics, metaphysics, logic, christian logic, presuppositional, presupp, presup, presuppositionalism, presuppositional apologetics, datpresup, objections, handling objections
Should Pastors Still Preach About Hell?
CATAKIDS Ep. 6: "What Did Jesus Teach Us To Say, When We Pray?" (Q 26)
catakids, Articles, Catechesis, Education, Discipleship, podcastGuest Usercatakids, catechism, kids podcast, christian kids, sunday school, christian resources, christian education, religious education
"We Will Not Be Silenced": Opposing The Radical Left Agenda [Erwin Lutzer Interview]
Interviews, Culture, Apologetics, podcast, Wokeness, Current EventsGuest Userjoel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, discipleship, erwin lutzer, pastor lutzer, running to win, we will not be silenced, erwin lutzer book, book podcast, christian book, book review, lutzer book, moody church, wokeness, left, radical left, leftism, christian response to the left, christian response to wokeness, wokism, marxism, marxism and christianity
CATAKIDS Ep. 5: "May We Also Talk to God?" (Qs 21-25)
catakids, Articles, Catechesis, Education, Discipleship, podcastGuest Usercatakids, catechism, kids podcast, christian kids, sunday school, christian resources, christian education, religious education
Anger: The Neglected Virtue
Worldview, TheologyGuest Userguest post, mitchell slater, anger, discipleship, worldview, theology, article, christian anger, be angry and do not sin, don't let the sun go down on your anger
The Bible's Use of Foreshadowing Shows That Its Author Is God
Apologetics, Articles, Bible, PresuppositionalismGuest Usertheology, presuppositionalism, presuppositional apologetics, foreshadowing, bible, literature, biblical, christianity, joel settecase, think institute
6 Reasons Why Logic Is Not Just A Human Convention [NOW WITH VIDEO & AUDIO]
Apologetics, Articles, Discord, Q&A, podcastGuest Userapologetics, metaphysics, logic, christian metaphysics, christian logic, presuppositional, presupp, presup, presuppositionalism, presuppositional apologetics, datpresup
2 Literary Techniques That Prove the Bible Was Written by God [With Michael Jahosky]
podcast, Interviews, Culture, Culture Building, EvangelismGuest Userjoel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, discipleship, great commission, evangelism, street preaching, zoe white, declaring truth, mardi gras evangelism
These Are The 3 Goals of Biblical Apologetics (#2 Is Shocking!)
Apologetics, Q&A, podcastGuest Userapologetics, joel settecase, think institute, podcast, christian podcast, apologetics podcast, goal of apologetics, think institute network, think network, chicago apologist
CATAKIDS Ep. 4: "If God Is In Control, Must We Still Choose?" (Qs 16-20)
catakids, Articles, Catechesis, Education, Discipleship, podcastGuest Usercatakids, catechism, kids podcast, christian kids, sunday school, christian resources, christian education, religious education
Resource Roundup (4/8/2021)
How to Teach Presuppositional Apologetics to Kids (3 Things to Consider)
Apologetics, podcast, Presuppositionalism, CollaboGuest Userapologetics, eli ayala, elias ayala, kiddos, presuppositional, presup, datpresup, datpresupp, presupp, presuppositionalism, presuppositional apologetics, apologia, kids apologetics, apologetics for kids, presuppositional apologetics for kids, video apologetics, kids apologetics videos, parents training apologetics
Here's Why Open Air Evangelism Is Still Legit in 2021
podcast, Interviews, Culture, Culture Building, EvangelismGuest Userjoel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, discipleship, great commission, evangelism, street preaching, zoe white, declaring truth, mardi gras evangelism
We Believe In The Trinity, Right? So How Does That Impact Our Apologetics?
podcast, Interviews, Evangelism, Culture, Culture BuildingGuest Userdave robinson cru, joel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, youth at the threshold of life, discipleship, great commission
What Do Christians Think About Islam? (With R. C. Apologist)
podcast, Interviews, Evangelism, Culture, Culture BuildingGuest Userdave robinson cru, joel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, youth at the threshold of life, discipleship, great commission
A Short Response to the Accusation of Circular Reasoning (according to John Frame)