Resource Roundup (4/8/2021)

By Joel Settecase / April 8, 2021

Ready for the Roundup?

Here are some resources to help you hone your ability to explain, share and defend the Christian message.

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Share this with the next atheist who asks you for evidence for God’s existence.

That’s why I wrote it.

Speaking of God…

In a recent Facebook discussion my little brother Parker suggested this as a resource to help explain how God’s triune nature answers the problem of “the one and the many”—which has perplexed non-Christian philosophy for centuries. Check it.

And speaking of things found on Facebook…

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Screenwriter and director Joseph Granda has just announced on that website that he’ll be, well, screenwriting and directing the forthcoming movie, “Ride Sally Ride,” an adaptation of Douglas Wilson’s pageturner.

In case you’re wondering, I’ve already reached out, and we’re talking about when to have him on the Think Podcast.

You can check out Mr. Granda’s website (and get to know his work ahead of his appearance on the ThinkPod here.

That’s it for now. Get more apologetics, theology and evangelism content from the blog or learn about our study cohorts.