Who Were the First People that God Made? (CATAKIDS Ep. 3 - Questions 11-15)
catakids, Articles, Catechesis, Education, Discipleship, podcastGuest Usercatakids, catechism, kids podcast, christian kids, sunday school, christian resources, christian education, religious education
2 Problems With Fear-Based Apologetics (And How to Solve Them)
Presup vs. Evidentialism: Which Apologetic Is Best? (Dean Meadows of the Daily Apologist)
podcast, Interviews, Evangelism, Culture, Culture BuildingGuest Userdave robinson cru, joel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, youth at the threshold of life, discipleship, great commission
"Please Help Us": An Inspiring Story of Innovation from Eastern Europe (Dave Robinson Interview)
podcast, Interviews, Evangelism, Culture, Culture BuildingGuest Userdave robinson cru, joel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, youth at the threshold of life, discipleship, great commission
Yes, Jesus Used Presuppositional Apologetics
Apologetics, Bible, Q&A, podcastGuest Userresurrection, jesus, apologetics, soul sleep, presup, datpresup, datpresupp, presupp, presuppositionalism, presuppositional apologetics, think institute, how did jesus debate, joel settecase, think institute podcast
What John Frame Discovered (About Knowledge)
Resource Roundup (3/18/2021)
The Remarkable Relationship Between God, the World, and the Human Mind (Making Knowledge Possible)
8 Bible "Contradictions" Refuted
How Can We Know If Our Beliefs Are Justified? (Theologian John Frame's Theory)
Biblical Masculinity & Patriarchy: Here's What You Need to Know (2021 Michael Foster Interview)
podcast, Interviews, Evangelism, Culture, Culture BuildingGuest Userdave robinson cru, joel settecase, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod, think institute podcast, christian interview, missionary, youth at the threshold of life, discipleship, great commission
This Is the Starting Point of All Knowledge (According to the Bible)
These 2 Presuppositions Are Most Basic for Christians (According to John Frame)
Cultural Apologetics, God & Time, and Christian Plausibility (Paul Gould & the Sons of Thunder)
Sons of Thunder, Interviews, Apologetics, podcastGuest Userpaul gould, parker's pensees, parker settecase, joel settecase, apologetics, plausible, apologetic, cultural, two tasks, institute, think institute, thethink, settecase, chicago, theology
How to Destroy Every Argument Against God
podcast, ApologeticsGuest Userpodcast, think institute, joel settecase, chicago, apologetics, sons of thunder, christian, christianity, defense, reasonable faith, parker settecase, parker's pensees
What Is The First Duty Of A Christian Apologist?
CATAKIDS Ep. 2 - What Did God Make? (Questions 6-10)
catakids, Articles, Catechesis, podcast, Education, DiscipleshipGuest Usercatakids, catechism, kids podcast, christian kids, sunday school, christian resources, christian education, religious education
Resource Roundup (3/11/2021)
What the Apostles' Willingness to Die Proves (Dr. Sean McDowell Explains)
Evidence, Evidentialism, History, podcastGuest Userapologetics, biblical, bible, for the bible, god, bible scriptures, apostles, died, martyrs, sean mcdowell, think institute, mcdowell, evidence that demands a verdict
What Are Facts, Anyway?