Cultural Apologetics, God & Time, and Christian Plausibility (Paul Gould & the Sons of Thunder)
Sons of Thunder, Interviews, Apologetics, podcastGuest Userpaul gould, parker's pensees, parker settecase, joel settecase, apologetics, plausible, apologetic, cultural, two tasks, institute, think institute, thethink, settecase, chicago, theology
How Your Words Affect Your Future (Jordan Peterson's 10th Rule for Life Analyzed by Christians)
podcast, Jordan Peterson, Sons of ThunderGuest Userjordan peterson, rules for life, 12 rules, 12 rules for life book, 12 rules for life, joel settecase, parker settecase, think podcast, sons of thunder
You're Not Omniscient, And That's Okay (Jordan Peterson's 9th Rule)
podcast, Jordan Peterson, Sons of ThunderGuest Userchfristian, christian, podcast, christian podcast, sons of thunder, joel settecsae, joel settecase, parker settecase, settecase, jordan peterson, jbp, omniscience, philosophy, psychology, jordan b peterson, 12 rules for life, 12 rules for life book, book review, author, bookcast, vodcast
Jordan Peterson on the Sin of Lying (Peterson's 8th Rule: Tell the Truth, or, at Least, Don't Lie)
Sons of Thunder, podcast, Jordan PetersonGuest Usersons of thunder, jordan peterson, joel settecase, parker settecase, parker's pensees, jbp, tell the truth, or at least don't lie, peterson, 12 rules for life, christian perspective, christianity, bible, biblical, philosophy, podcast, psychology, truth
Sons of Thunder Analyze Jordan Peterson's 7th Rule: "Pursue What Is Meaningful (Not What Is Expedient)"
podcast, Psychology, Philosophy, Jordan Peterson, Sons of ThunderGuest Userjordan peterson, joel settecase, parker settecase, sons of thunder, thunder thursdays, think institute, think podcast, philosophy, psychology, podcast, christian podcast
Jordan Peterson And The Problem Of Evil
Sons of Thunder, Psychology, Philosophy, podcastGuest Userjordan b peterson, jordan peterson, Joel Settecase, parker settecase, sons of thunder, thunder thursday, 12 rules for life
Jordan Peterson's 5th Rule
podcast, Psychology, Philosophy, Sons of ThunderGuest Userjordan b peterson, jordan peterson, settecase, joel settecase, parker settecase, 12 rules, 12 rules for life
How To Get Better | Jordan Peterson's 4th Rule From A Christian Perspective
Why Do Science & Christianity Work So Well Together? with Dr. Chris Bolt
Apologetics, Science, podcast, Interviews, Sons of ThunderGuest Userscience, joel settecase, parker settecase, chris bolt, clbolt, christopher lee bolt, choosing hats, the world in his hands, book, interview, scientific apologetics, Apologetics, presup, presuppositional, datpresup, think institute, think podcast, the think institute
What Every Christian Needs to Know About Jordan Peterson on Human Nature
Sons of Thunder, Philosophy, Psychology, podcast, Jordan PetersonGuest Userjordan b peterson, jordan peterson, christianity, philosophy, psychology, treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
Is "Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back" Biblical?
Philosophy, Jordan Peterson, podcast, Sons of ThunderGuest Userjordan b peterson, jordan peterson, jbp, peterson, dr peterson, christian intellectual dark web, intellectual dark web, intellectual darkweb, 12 rules for life, rule 1, lobster
Captivating Discussion: Eli Ayala of Revealed Apologetics | Why Presup | Biggest Threats to Apologetics
What Makes the Self Persist Over Time? | Sons of Thunder
What In The World Is God's Relationship To Time? (Sons of Thunder)
Philosophy, podcast, Theology, Sons of ThunderGuest Usersons of thunder, joel settecase, parker settecase, theology, philosophy, athletes in action, think institute, church movements, cru, god's relationship to tie, god's relationship to time, atemporal, a theory, b theory, temporality, everlasting, eternal
Get On The MentorShip (Sons of Thunder)
Discipleship, podcast, Sons of ThunderGuest Usermentorship, what is a mentor, discipleship, disciplemaker, disciples, discipling, joel settecase, parker settecase, parker's pensees, sons of thunder, the think institute, chicago, apostles, make disciples, great commission, mentee, mentor, mentors