Presup vs. Evidentialism: Which Apologetic Is Best? (Dean Meadows of the Daily Apologist)

Whether you’re an accomplished apologist or have no clue what the word apologetics means, you won’t want to miss this episode.

Please SUBSCRIBE* & HIT the BELL***Whether you're an accomplished apologist or have no clue what the word apologetics means, you won't want to miss this e...

Okay, so you've decided you want to get better at standing up for what you believe. You're going go hone your skill at defending your faith and sharing the Gospel. And you've discovered the world of apologetics-the discipling vindicating Christian truth against challenges and objections-but now you've hit a roadblock...

Okay, so you’ve decided you want to get better at standing up for what you believe. You’re going go hone your skill at defending your faith and sharing the Gospel. And you’ve discovered the world of apologetics—the discipling vindicating Christian truth against challenges and objections—but now you’ve hit a roadblock… because you’ve discovered (gasp) there are different ways of going about this.

See, on the one hand you’ve got “classicalists” who swear by the Kalam Cosmological Argument, and on the other hand you’ve got “evidentialists” who do a great job of giving evidence to prove the “case for faith.” But then on the other other hand, you’ve got presuppositionalist guys like Joel Settecase, who don’t seem to get along well with either of the other groups. So who’s right? Which apologetics method is best?

This episode is going to give you the answer. Or at least, it will give you more grist for the mill of your mind, as you work out for yourself what school of apologetics thought you want to align yourself with. That’s because today two Christian apologists are going to have a robust dialogue about methodology, each one presenting his own preferred method and interacting with the other.

Specifically, you’ll find out…

  • The backstory of Dean Meadows, how he got into apologetics and what prompted him to launch the Daily Apologist.

  • What exciting work the Daily Apologist is up to right now, and how you can get involved.

  • Why Dean takes a more evidentialist approach to defending Christian truth, why he uses classical arguments—and why he isn’t a presuppositionalist.

  • Whether Joel and Dean think that evidentialism and presuppositionalism are irreconcilable.

  • How Joel "switched teams” from classical and evidentialism to practice #datpresup.

  • Which approach is more biblical, and which one has cooler hashtags.

  • Much more.

Joel’s guest today is Dean Meadows. Dean serves as the Executive Director of The Daily Apologist. He holds a B.A. in Theology from the Bear Valley Bible Institute International; B.S. in Bible/Ministry from Amridge University; and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. He's currently pursuing a MSc in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Dean served in the United State Marine Corps Reserve for six years and deployed to Iraq in 2006. He is married to Hillary Meadows and they have two kids with very pretty names: Nora-Grace and Wren-Mercy.

It’s time to dive into this fascinating topic. Get ready to think.

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Music Credits: 

Synthie Intro by Sascha Ende

BandCamp by Lilo Sound

The Vikings by Alexander Nakarada