Look Around You: God Still Has Many Faithful Saints (Colossians 1:1-3)
Worldview, Bible, podcastGuest Usercolossians, bible study, biblical, think method, T.H.I.N.K. Method, Biblical Study, Joel Settecase, think institute, Paul, Jesus, Worldview
Session 5 of 6 - The Apologetics of Jesus & Paul (2021 Course), "The Afterlife Wife" (Matthew 22:23-33)
Apologetics, Courses, podcastGuest Userapologetics, joel settecase, Jesus, Paul, how did jesus debate, Christian Apologetics, Think Institute, Think Podcast, ThinkPod, ThinkSquad, Sadducees, Matthew, Matthew 22
The Apologetics of Jesus & Paul (2021 Course), Session 1 of 6 - Introduction to Biblical Presuppositionalism
Apologetics, CoursesGuest Userapologetics, joel settecase, Jesus, Paul, how did jesus debate, Christian Apologetics, The Think Institute, Think Institute, Think Podcast, ThinkPod, ThinkSquad