Plausibility Structures & Raising Kids That Don't Apostatize (with Mike D'Virgilio)

Whether you’re getting ready to send your kids off to college or into the world to start lives and families of their own (eventually), or you’re looking at starting their families in the immediate future, you’re going to want to listen closely to today’s conversation. Every Christian father feels concern about his kids growing up and staying in the faith. And this is a very valid concern given the stats.

  • It’s reported that 70% of kids who grow up attending church will leave the church when they leave home.

  • Of those, only about half will return to church.

  • “Genera­tion Z has established itself as the most non-Christian in US history.” (Source)

In other words, the odds seem to be that, no matter how you raise them, your kids will grow up and no longer call themselves Christians. And if they don’t do this, then their kids will. This of course is troubling, not just for the state of the Church, but because we’re talking about our kids, and their eternal souls, in light of the fact that the wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life only in Christ Jesus our Lord.

So people are rightly concerned, and much ink has been spilled in addressing this matter. But today we’re going to tackle it from the perspective of someone who does not think your kids are doomed irrespective of how you raise them. My guest today believes so strongly that you can keep your kids from falling away, that he wrote a book about it.

Specifically, in this episode you’ll learn about:

  • Why so many young people are growing up and leaving the church—and whose fault that is.

  • What a plausibility structure is, and how to foster correct ones in your kids’ thinking.

  • Some best practices for teaching your kids the kind of perspective on the world that makes them laugh—laugh—at the world’s false messages.

  • Wisdom for young parents, and soon-to-be-parents, for getting their kids on the right track early.

    Joel’s guest for this episode is Mike D’Virgilio. A graduate of Arizona State University, Mike received a Masters degree in systematic theology from Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia, and spent his career in public relations, sales, and marketing. He’s a church elder and has led a Christ & Culture ministry for several years. He writes at The Persuasive Christian Parent:, for those who are parents and those who are not. He is also writing his way through the Bible at, a deeply theological and often apologetic perspective on Scripture.

Get Mike D’Virgilio’s newest book:

The Persuasive Christian Parent:

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Music Credits: 

Synthie Intro by Sascha Ende

Clapping Hands by Frank Schröter