Why You Should Start Listening To Lost Sermons From The Past, with Troy Frasier & Joel Bourdes
History, Interviews, podcastGuest Userhistory, sermons, podcast, Episodes, theologians, dead guys, joel settecase, revived thoughts, joel bourdes, troy frasier, spurgeon, chrysostom
What Does the Bible Teach About Education?
Articles, Christian Education, Parenting, Worldview, podcastGuest Userarticles, blog, education, christian, parenting, parents, schooling, school, home schoo;, home school, parochial, christian school, classical, public, private, government, teaching, curriculum, joel settecase, think institute
No, Christianity Is Not An Impractical Leap Of Faith
The "6 Corners" of the Biblical Worldview
Worldview, Chicago Style, Blog, Articles, podcastGuest Userchicago, chicagostyle, biblical, worldview, apologetics, think institute, joel settecase, northwest side, chicagoland, intersection
Definitive Guide: Christian Epistemology
Worldview, Apologetics, Articles, podcastGuest Userworldview, apologetics, christianity, doctrine, theology, joel settecase, think institute
What In The World Is God's Relationship To Time? (Sons of Thunder)
Philosophy, podcast, Theology, Sons of ThunderGuest Usersons of thunder, joel settecase, parker settecase, theology, philosophy, athletes in action, think institute, church movements, cru, god's relationship to tie, god's relationship to time, atemporal, a theory, b theory, temporality, everlasting, eternal
Mind-Blowing Evidence to Enhance Your Confidence in Christianity, with J. Warner Wallace
Evidence, podcast, Interviews, EvidentialismGuest Userj warner wallace, evidence, apologetics, evidentialism, extraordinary evidence, christianity, presuppositional, presup, datpresup, datpresupp, presupp
Think Update #8 (January 17, 2020)
Beginners' Guide: Christian Metaphysics
Articles, Worldview, podcastGuest Userworldview, metaphysics, unity in diversity, unity, diversity, francis schaeffer, joel settecase, john frame, think institute, chicago, apologetics, world view
Advanced Guide: Christian Morality
Morality, podcast, Religion, Philosophy, Worldview, ArticlesGuest Usermorality, christianity, hypocrisy, gay rights, lgbt, q, +, joel settecase, think institute, moral, ethics, philosophy
How to Get Your Spiritual Life Back On Track, with Pastor Jarrett Samuels
Masculinity, Discipleship, podcastGuest Usertheology, manliness, manosphere, masculinity, jarrett samuels, pursuit of manliness, artofmanliness, joel settecase, think institute, the think institute, podcast, think podcast
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14 Reasons Why 2019 Was A Good Year
podcast, RetrospectiveGuest Userpodcast, think institute, 2019, retrospect, goals, resolutions, theology, evangelism, apologetics, joel settecase, reasons, looking back, jonathan edwards
Why Muslims Need To Hear The Story Of The Prodigal Son
Evangelism, Islam, Parables, ArticlesGuest Usergospel, injil, muslims, islam, muslim, evangelism, share your faith, joel settecase, how to share your faith with muslims, the gospel in the parable of the prodigal son, how to evangelize muslims, the meaning of the prodigal son, what does the prodigal son mean, what is the meaning, bible interpretation, parables, Jesus, Christ, think institute, thethink, chicago, apologetics, hermeneutics
What No One Tells You About Christmas
Apologetics, Christmas, Theology, Culture, Comparative Religions, ArticlesGuest Userchristmas, apologetics, joel settecase, think institute, uniqueness, christ, incarnation, god
A Crash Course In Presuppositional Apologetics
Apologetics, podcastGuest Userapologetics, joel settecase, presup, presupp, datpresup, datpresupp, presuppositional, presuppositionalism, presuppositional apologetics, john frame, jarrett samuels, settecase, thethink, the think institute, crash course, master class, primer, defending the faith, defense of the faith
Get On The MentorShip (Sons of Thunder)
Discipleship, podcast, Sons of ThunderGuest Usermentorship, what is a mentor, discipleship, disciplemaker, disciples, discipling, joel settecase, parker settecase, parker's pensees, sons of thunder, the think institute, chicago, apostles, make disciples, great commission, mentee, mentor, mentors
8 Things Muslims Need To Know About Christianity (Friday Fireside)
Islam, Theology, podcast, EvangelismGuest Userislam, muslim, evangelism, evangelistic, share your faith, defending the faith, apologetics, islamic, christianity, what do christians believe, what is christianity, joel settecase, explain christianity, what is the gospel, think institute, the think institute, thethink
Use These 2 Presentations to Introduce Muslims to Christianity
Articles, IslamGuest Userislam, islamic, bible, christianity, muslim, interfaith, dialogue, teaching, presentation, slides, resources, apologetics, evangelism, joel settecase, think institute, chicago, apologist, curriculum
The Reason This Former "Atheist" Became A Christian
Atheism, Encouraging Stories, Evangelism, podcast, ReligionGuest Userevangelism, Evangelism blog, gospel, atheism, devonne smith, joel settecase, think institute, testimony, story, spiritual journey, podcast, think podcast, think, thethink