The "6 Corners" of the Biblical Worldview

The Think Institute is a Chicago-based ministry, and proudly so, so you will have to forgive me if I draw a little on some Windy City-based geography to make my point. I want to talk about a Chicago landmark, and how it connects to the biblical worldview.

By Joel Settecase

The Think Institute is a Chicago-based ministry, and proudly so, so you will have to forgive me if I draw a little on some Windy City-based geography to make my point. I want to talk about a Chicago landmark, and how it connects to the biblical worldview.

Chicago's 6 Corners intersection of Irving Park, Cicero & Milwaukee has been a long-time commercial hub (the "Downtown of the Northwest Side"). What does this have to do with the biblical worldview? Its six corners are reminiscent of the biblical WV's six elements, and at the heart of the biblical worldview (in the “middle of the intersection” is the One that gives meaning to the whole thing.

  1. Metaphysics - The Triune, absolute, infinite, personal, and self-revealing God is ultimate reality, and the explanation for why there is anything rather than nothing.
    How Jesus connects:
    Jesus, the God-man, is the bridge between the metaphysical and the physical.

  2. Morality - The nature of God is the final standard for all judgments of goodness, whether moral (dealing with right thought and action), axiological (values) or aesthetic (beauty).

    How Jesus connects:
    Jesus is the manifestation of perfect goodness, value and beauty (Colossians 1:15-18).

  3. Epistemology - Right understanding of, and respect for God is the sine qua non for truly knowing anything about the world (Proverbs 1:7). God reveals truth via his works (General Revelation) and his word (Special Revelation).

    How Jesus connects:

    Jesus is the ultimate revelation from God (Hebrews 1:1-2).

  4. Anthropology - Man, male and female, in the Imago Dei, with inherent dignity, higher than the rest of creation, lower than God, given dominion & stewardship over creation, fallen into sin & hopelessly flawed.

    How Jesus connects:

    Jesus is the greatest expression of humanity and its Savior (Acts 4:12; Colossians 1:19-20).

  5. Teleology - We were created to know, glorify and enjoy God who is the Author, Designer and Lord of all creation. Our sin broke our connection to our purpose and left us driftless.

    How Jesus connects:

    Jesus, who lived his purpose, reconciles his people to God and bestows renewed purpose (John 17:3; Colossians 1:20).

  6. Eschatology - The cosmos will be purged by fire, and man's end will be either "wrath and fury" or "glory, honor and peace” (Romans 2:6-11).

    How Jesus connects:

    Jesus will return as Lord and judge, giving eternal life to those who repented & believed in him, & punishing those who did not obey the truth (Romans 2:8, 16).

At the intersection of all these six elements is the Lord Jesus Christ. If the biblical worldview is a wheel with six spokes (each of the aforementioned elements), the Jesus is the hub of the wheel. A thoroughly Christian approach to the world must be fully derived from Scripture, and Jesus (and his Gospel) is the high point of Scripture (see my Think Podcast episode, “What Is The Gospel?”). So it makes sense that the biblical worldview would revolve around him.

I have written elsewhere on why the biblical worldview is the only fully consistent, coherent, and true worldview. And Jesus is the reason for that. After all, he is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

So thank you for indulging me in a little Chicago pride. I hope it was helpful, and of course, I hope it made you think.

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