14 Reasons Why 2019 Was A Good Year

As we look back on 2019, we are thanking God for his faithfulness. To get connected with more resources for your spiritual journey from the Think Institute, just go to TheThink.Institute. Join the conversation on social media: Twitter: @Thinkinst Facebook: @TheThinkInstitute Instagram: @TheThinkInstitute ThinkSpot: @JSThinks Until next time, I hope it made you think.

As we look back on 2019, we are thanking God for his faithfulness. To get connected with more resources for your spiritual journey from the Think Institute, just go to TheThink.Institute.

As we look back on 2019, we are thanking God for his faithfulness. By his grace, we have…

  • Launched the Think Institute ministry and our accompanying website, TheThink.Institute, to get believers equipped, engaged and encouraged.


  • Recorded over 60 episodes of The Think Podcast, tackling “impossible” questions from a biblical worldview to help Christians explain, share and defend the Christian message. We broadcast these via podcast, YouTube, and Facebook videos.

  • The Think Podcast peaked at #102 on the U.S. Apple Podcasts philosophy charts this month. And in Canada we peaked at #176!

  • Across all platforms, we’ve received over 19,900 views and listens. Divided by 66 episodes, that comes to an audience of about 300 people. 

  • We have listeners from around the world! The Think Podcast is most popular in the U.S., followed by Australia, Canada, the U.K., Sweden, the Dominican Republic, Saudi Arabia(!), Kazakhstan(!!), South Africa, etc. etc. etc. Hello to our listeners listening from abroad!

  • I’ve gotten to interview interesting guys like Doug Wilson, Joe Thorn, Dr. Brian Thomas of the Institute for Creation Research, Dr. Steve Wellum of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lt. Col. KJ Johnson of the C. S. Lewis Institute, apologist Scott Youngren, Alex Rodriguez of the Men’s Muster, Author Daniel Ray, Dawain Atkinson of the BAR Podcast, pastors like Tom Schmidt and Brandon Cooper, missionaries like Chris Moore in Japan and N. G. (headed to Lebanon), my own pastor Dan Osborn, our very own Think Institute contributor Chase Hahn, and of course nine episodes of the Sons of Thunder with my brother Parker.

  • Published Catakids!, our tool for parents to disciple their young children.

  • We brought in three new contributors to TheThink.Institute blog, which is very exciting.

  • I started sending out the Think Update emails with tools and tips on how to live a missional lifestyle and fulfill your piece of the Great Commission. You can subscribe to that on TheThink.Institute.


  • Hosted four Think Tank evangelistic discussion groups, to engage Christian men in dialogue with their non-Christian friends. 

  • Partnered with three churches and one Christian school right here in Chicago for worldview, evangelism and apologetics training. 

  • Led an Easter worship service on the Cardiac floor of Lurie Children’s Hospital for families with heart warrior kids. We had music, biblical teaching and a great turnout!

  • Wrote original curriculum for teaching the biblical worldview and apologetics and made it available it for free on TheThink.Institute. 

  • We’ve seen the Lord use Lukas’s health crisis to give us witnessing opportunities. During his 6+ months in the hospital, we shared the Gospel with care providers and other “heart warrior” families. Now at home, we are rejoicing because Aliza led our in-home nurse to faith in Christ! They are now studying the Bible together.


  • I’m looking forward to 12 more Think Tank discussion groups here on the Northwest Side of Chicago.

  • I’m collaborating on something really, really exciting with a pastor friend of mine in Chicago’s South Loop neighborhood, tentatively called the Think Series. It’s inspired by a mix of the Alpha Course and Tim Keller’s Questioning Christianity course.

  • I’ve been working really hard planning for something called the Hammer & Anvil Society. The Hammer & Anvil Society will be an exclusive discipleship cohort aimed at equipping men with a specific set of knowledge and skills, so they can catalyze missional movements through local churches in strategic target areas in the city of Chicago.

  • I’m looking at a partnership with another church in a very strategic area of Chicago. And in February I’m scheduled to do a sermon and teach a four-week training series on Evangelism, the Biblical Worldview, and Apologetics. Lord willing, that will be jointly attended by at least a couple of Chicago churches.

  • And finally I will be working on a system of Christian education to help equip my own local church. This is going to be a work in progress but if the Lord blesses it, it will be very, very good and helpful. Of course that goes without saying. 


  • We are hoping and praying for clarity on our son Lukas’s lung diagnosis. We have to get that figured out before we can fix what’s wrong with his heart. Your prayers are greatly appreciated! We’re super, super grateful that he’s been home and healthy, all things considered. God is faithful.

  • I’m slowly but surely working on memorizing my way through the book of Romans. I’ve got chapter 1 and most of chapter 2 down so far (well, mostly down).

  • I’m working on waking up early to spend time in Scripture study and prayer. I’ve been failing at this pretty bad, but I’m constantly working my way back on the wagon. Prayers for that would also be appreciated.


  • Aliza and I are so grateful for your prayer and financial support. Thanks for reaching out and letting us know if we’ve encouraged you, and for encouraging us. Thanks for sharing your stories of how you’ve shared the Gospel. Thanks for asking for advice. That’s why we’re here.

  • Only the Lord knows what 2020 will bring. We can rest securely in that fact and trust him that, whatever he does, it will be for our good and the glory of Jesus Christ.

  • This isn’t goodbye, just a stop along the road. To get connected with more resources for your spiritual journey from the Think Institute, just go to TheThink.Institute. Join the conversation on social media (see links below).

    Now him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, and majesty, and dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever more. Amen.

  • Until next time, I hope it made you think. 

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