Is Atheism More Scientific than Christianity? No. (Here's Why)
Apologetics, podcast, ScienceGuest Userearth, old earth creationism, old earth, old earth creation, young earth creation, young earth, young earth creationism, apolojedi, joelsettecase, yec, ben kissling, atheism, evidence, science
How to Defend the Gospel (Without Using the New Testament)
Apologetics, podcast, InterviewsGuest UserJ warner Wallace, person of interest, apologetics, podcast, worldview, evidentialism, evidence for God, evidence, Gospel, Presup, #datpresup
Metaphysics, The Matrix, and the Mind of God
Apologetics, Philosophy, Simulation Hypothesis, ArticlesGuest Userscott youngren, joel settecase, think institute, evidence, god, matrix, metaphysics, philosophy, worldviw, worldview, think, blog, apologetics
Mind-Blowing Evidence to Enhance Your Confidence in Christianity, with J. Warner Wallace
Evidence, podcast, Interviews, EvidentialismGuest Userj warner wallace, evidence, apologetics, evidentialism, extraordinary evidence, christianity, presuppositional, presup, datpresup, datpresupp, presupp
Why Belief In God Does Not Require "Extraordinary Evidence"
Articles, Apologetics, Atheism, podcast, Philosophy, ScienceGuest Userapologetics, extraordinary claims, extraordinary evidence, carl sagan, joel settecase, think institute, evidence, theism, atheism, god, exists, proof, jesus, bible