Dr. Ron Dart on Jordan Peterson, Disney Movies & Evangelism
Guest Userjordan peterson, ron dart, joel settecase, podcast, christian podcast, parker settecase, parker's pensees, myth and meaning in jordan peterson, author, christian author, christianity, jesus, religion, philosophy, psychology, disney, disney moviews, disney movies, myths, C S Lewis, CSL, cslewis
Jordan Peterson on the Sin of Lying (Peterson's 8th Rule: Tell the Truth, or, at Least, Don't Lie)
Sons of Thunder, podcast, Jordan PetersonGuest Usersons of thunder, jordan peterson, joel settecase, parker settecase, parker's pensees, jbp, tell the truth, or at least don't lie, peterson, 12 rules for life, christian perspective, christianity, bible, biblical, philosophy, podcast, psychology, truth
Apologetics and Morality: Jordan Ravanes Interviews Joel Settecase
podcast, Interviews, ApologeticsGuest Userjordan ravanes, joel settecase, apologetics, morality, podcast, christian podcast, moral argument, presup, presuppositional apologetics
The Beirut Blast And The Bible
podcast, Worldview Wednesday, Current EventsGuest Userbeirut, lebanon, explosion, biblical, worldview, joel settecase, raef chenery, think institute, think podcast, worldview wednesday
Apologetics In A World Of Wokeness with Neil Shenvi
Wokeness, podcast, InterviewsGuest Userneil shenvi, joel settecase, think podcast, think institute, woke, critical theory, critical race theory, crt, ct, presuppositional
Presup, Masks, Local Government, and Church Closings, No Neutrality: BONUS Live Apologetics Q&A
Apologetics, podcastGuest Userapologetics, masks, government, church closing, joel settecase, presuppositionalism, think podcast, think institute, q&a, questions, theology
Sons of Thunder Analyze Jordan Peterson's 7th Rule: "Pursue What Is Meaningful (Not What Is Expedient)"
podcast, Psychology, Philosophy, Jordan Peterson, Sons of ThunderGuest Userjordan peterson, joel settecase, parker settecase, sons of thunder, thunder thursdays, think institute, think podcast, philosophy, psychology, podcast, christian podcast
Don't Let The Fear of Persecution Silence Your Christian Witness
Current Events, Evangelism, podcast, Worldview Wednesday, WorldviewGuest Userpersecution, christianity, evangelism, joel settecase, raef chenery, think podcast, the think institute
The Argument No Atheist Can Refute, with Sye Ten Bruggencate
Apologetics, Atheism, podcast, InterviewsGuest Usersye ten bruggengate, joel settecase, sye ten, apologetics, presup, presupp, presuppositional, presuppositionalism, presuppositional apologetics, atheism, atheist, tag, transcendental argument for god
Hillary Morgan Ferrer: Why Our Culture Keeps Redefining Words (And How to Fight Back)
Tuesday Twofer, podcast, Interviews, Leftism, CultureGuest Usermama bear apologetics, hillary morgan ferrer, joel settecase, think podcast, think institute, linguistic theft, leftism, conservative, language, marxism
Has the Smithsonian Institute Jumped the Shark?
podcast, Worldview WednesdayGuest Usersmithsonian, jump the shark, culture, society, whiteness, racism, smithsonian institute, institution, african american, National Museum of African American History and Culture, Joel Settecase, Raef Chenery, Podcast, Worldview, Wednesday
How and Why to Catechize Yourself, with Jordan Quinley
Catechesis, Interviews, podcast, Tuesday TwoferGuest Userjordan quinley, catechism, joel settecase, catechesis, catechize, redeemer catechism, christian podcast
Two Friends, One Black, One White, Talking About What The World Needs To Hear Now | Worldview Wednesday (140)
Worldview Wednesday, Politics, podcast, WorldviewGuest Userira milton, joel settecase, worldview wednesday, black and white, racial reconciliation, african american, caucasian, dialogue, conservative, christian, podcast
Arguing On Social Media In An Age Of Cancel Culture
Wednesday Wisdom, podcast, Culture, Cancel CultureGuest Userraef chenery, joel settecase, cancel culture, social media, how to argue, apologetics, evangelism
Science and God, with Lucas Giolas
How to Shepherd Your Children During Pride Month
LGBTQ, Worldview WednesdayGuest Userjoel settecase, raef chenery, pride month, gay pride, lgbt, lgbtq, lgbtqia, lgbtq+, homosexuality, christianity, christian podcast
Do You Have A Passion For Souls?
Evangelism, podcast, Worldview WednesdayGuest Userdl moody, joel settefcase, joel settecase, raef chenery, think podcast, thinkpod, worldview wednesday, passion for souls, evangelism
Interview with Ethan Micheal, "Your Friendly Neighborhood Atheist"
Atheism, podcast, Tuesday Twofer, InterviewsGuest Useratheist, christian, joel settecase, ethan micheal, your friendly neighborhood atheist, debate, discussion, dialogue, interfaith, atheis, atheism, thinkpod, think podcast
15 Bible Verses About Racism
podcast, Monday MinuteGuest Userracism, critical theory, gospel, theology, christian, podcast, thinkpod, think podcast, joel settecase, think institute, bible, biblical, worldview
Everything You Need To Know About Racism According To The Bible
Worldview Wednesday, podcast, Politics, Critical TheoryGuest Userracism, raef chenery, joel settecase, bible, theolory, theology, christianity, thinkpod, podcast, raef, joel, worldview, wednesday