Apologetics for Gen Z: Interview with Adherent Apologetics
podcast, Tuesday Twofer, Apologetics, InterviewsGuest Usergen z, apologetics, adherent apologetics, aapologetics, think institute, joel settecase, the
Chicago Riots: A Biblical Response
podcast, Monday MinuteGuest Userchicago, riots, podcast, christian, news, current events, bible, truth, god, jesus, theology
Jordan Peterson And The Problem Of Evil
Sons of Thunder, Psychology, Philosophy, podcastGuest Userjordan b peterson, jordan peterson, Joel Settecase, parker settecase, sons of thunder, thunder thursday, 12 rules for life
Jordan Peterson's 5th Rule
podcast, Psychology, Philosophy, Sons of ThunderGuest Userjordan b peterson, jordan peterson, settecase, joel settecase, parker settecase, 12 rules, 12 rules for life
C. S. Lewis on Happiness
How To Get Better | Jordan Peterson's 4th Rule From A Christian Perspective
And The Same Could Soon Be Said About The U. S.
God Answers Einstein's Question
Think Institute "Family Update"
How to Make Friends According to Jordan Peterson... and Jesus
podcast, Philosophy, Psychology, Jordan PetersonGuest Userjoel settecase, parker settecase, sons of thunder, jordan peterson, jordan b peterson, 12 rules for life, rule 3, 12 rules
Police Raid Chicago Church: A Christian Response
Worldview Wednesday, podcast, Current Events, ChicagoGuest Userraef chenery, joel settecase, worldview wednesday, police, raid, chicago, church, lockdown, coronavirus, covid-19, government, tyranny, protests, chicago illinois, twill
Colson On Science's Christian Origin
Luck Is No Lady
Is There A God?
Atheism, Apologetics, podcast, Fast Friday, Fast FridaysGuest Useris there a god, does god exist, explore god, explore christianity, apologetics, evangelism, bible, theology, joel settecase, think institute, think podcast, park community church
Why Do Science & Christianity Work So Well Together? with Dr. Chris Bolt
Apologetics, Science, podcast, Interviews, Sons of ThunderGuest Userscience, joel settecase, parker settecase, chris bolt, clbolt, christopher lee bolt, choosing hats, the world in his hands, book, interview, scientific apologetics, Apologetics, presup, presuppositional, datpresup, think institute, think podcast, the think institute
Colson On Capitalism's Christian Origin
What About That New Ab*rtion Clinic Opening in Illinois During Lockdown?
abortion, Culture, podcast, Worldview WednesdayGuest Userabortion, prolife, prochoice, raef chenery, joel settecase, think podcast, think institute, planned parenthood, waukegan, lockdown, twill, illinois, pritzker, hypocrisy
10 Bad Reasons To Leave Christianity (Response to Hemant Mehta) (Part 1)
Tuesday Twofer, podcast, Culture, AtheismGuest Userhemant mehta, friendly atheist, joel settecase, atheism, christianity, leaving the church, millennials, top 10, think institute, think podcast, apologetics, philosophy
Why Methodological Naturalism Is Dumb
What Is Apologetics?
Apologetics, podcast, Monday MinuteGuest Userwhat is apologetics, apologetics, monday minute, quick, episode, podcast, think podcast, presuppositional apologetics, joel settecase, thethink