"Is There A Purpose to Life?" (3 Possible Answers)
podcast, purpose, Fast Friday, Self-improvement, ArticlesGuest Userpurpose of life, explore god, God, meaning of life, purpose to life, intentionality, extreme ownership, joel settecase, think institute, think podcast
What Every Christian Needs to Know About Jordan Peterson on Human Nature
Sons of Thunder, Philosophy, Psychology, podcast, Jordan PetersonGuest Userjordan b peterson, jordan peterson, christianity, philosophy, psychology, treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
Colson On Christian Social Concern
A Conservative Christian Response to the Death of Ahmaud Arbury
Wednesday Wisdom, podcast, Current Events, News, Worldview WednesdayGuest Userworldview, wednesday, think institute, joel settecase, raef chenery, ahmaud arbery, aumaud, arbury, irunwithmaud, race, grace, justice, injustice, mcmichael
You're Doing It Wrong: How To Actually Eradicate Poverty (Tuesday Twofer) (120)
podcast, Tuesday Twofer, MissionsGuest Usersafari mission, africa, poverty, eradicate poverty, christianity, mission, imperialism, western, safari, thethink, think institute, think podcast, joel settecase, cathrine ligard, vidar ligard
Chance: No Basis For Science (Or Atheism)
Debunking Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Why Does Science Work?
Apologetics, Science, Atheism, Monday Minute, podcastGuest Userscience, apologetics, truth, neil degrasse tyson, bible, theology
What Is The Trinity?
Fast Fridays, Theology, Worldview, podcastGuest Usertrinity, theology, worldview, fast fridays, think podcast, chicago, joel settecase, questions, god, triune, three in one
Debate: Is Belief In The Bible Reasonable? Joel Settecase vs. Kenneth Leonard
Apologetics, Debate, Bible, podcastGuest UserDebate, Joel Settecase, kenneth leonard, Atheist, Christian, Theist, Bible, Is the bible reasonable, belief in the bible, reasonable faith, reasonable, logic, presuppositional apologetics, presup, datpresup, ethan micheal, your friendly neighborhood atheist
Colson On The Difficulty Of The Trinity
Has the Governor of Illinois Gone Too Far?
Current Events, Illinois, News, Worldview Wednesday, Worldview, podcastGuest UserGod, government, raef chenery, joel settecase, pritzker, governor, illinois, #twill
How To Win At Home School, with Christine Parker
Education, podcastGuest Userhome school, homeschool, education, remote learning, e-learning, school, educational, thethink, think institute, joel settecase, veritas christian academy, veritas academy, chicago
Chance: No Friend To The Evolutionist
Is "Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back" Biblical?
Philosophy, Jordan Peterson, podcast, Sons of ThunderGuest Userjordan b peterson, jordan peterson, jbp, peterson, dr peterson, christian intellectual dark web, intellectual dark web, intellectual darkweb, 12 rules for life, rule 1, lobster
Colson: Tolerance Can't Stand Proof
A Vital Distinction When Thinking Of God's Control
Why Total Depravity Makes Sense
Atheism, Calvinism, Theology, DebateGuest Usertotal depravity, calvinism, five points, reformed, doctrines of grace, tulip, joel settecase, dan osborn, raef chenery, kenneth leonard, atheism, atheist, christian, christianity
Colson On Fatal Ignorance
How to Have Better Conversations With Atheists, with Justin Brierley
Apologetics, Atheism, Interviews, podcastGuest Userjustin brierley, justin briarly, justin brierly, justin briarley, unbelievable, podcast, premier christian radio, premierchristianradio.co.uk, premier, apologetics, joel settecase, conversations, with atheists, christians and atheists, thethink, the think institute, the think podcast, think podcast
So Much For The Conflict Between Man's Will & God's Sovereignty