Is There A God?

"Is There A God?" Your answer to this will affect everything about your life. The answer? There is a God. But with all the religions out there, which God is ...

"Is There A God?" Your answer to this will affect everything about your life. The answer? There is a God. But with all the religions out there, which God is real? Thank God we don't have to guess.-he's revealed himself. The God who exists is the God of the Bible.

"Is There A God?" Your answer to this will affect everything about your life.

The answer? There is a God. But with all the religions out there, which God is real? Thank God we don't have to guess.—he's revealed himself. The God who exists is the God of the Bible.

The God who exists wants people to know him. And he has revealed himself to us in three ways: through his word, through his works, and by his people. 

God Reveals Himself Through His Word

First, God's word: the Bible. It's a book, but really it's a mini-library of 66 distinct books. 

It has many genres: history, law, poetry, songs, proverbs, prophecy, biography, parables, epistles or letters, and more. 

Its books were written over 1500 years, by about 40 authors from diverse walks of life, on three continents, in three languages. 

Yet despite this diversity, the Bible has an amazing unity. Its books fit together and tell one magnificent, true story.

God, the author of life, created the world good. Man disobeyed God—he sinned—and earned death. God sent his Son, Jesus, to die for his people's sin. He rose to life and now rules from Heaven, from where he'll return to judge and re-create the world good again.

God Reveals Himself Through His World

Next, God's reveals himself through the world—his creation.

Look up at the magnificence of the Milky Way on a dark night—in Chicago we have to look this up this on 

Watch your kids cracking up together at an inside joke only they understand. 

Your exuberant puppy licking your face when you get home. God made all that.

There's more: God's faithfulness is the reason there is the kind of regularity in the world that makes science possible. 

God's goodness is why every society on earth has a moral code—and why it bothers you so much to witness injustice. 

What's more: God is Triune—he is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And his tri-unity is why we see the value in unity and diversity.

God Reveals Himself Through His People

And third, God's people.

Yes, the church has her problems and her hypocrites.

But can I brag on Christians for a second? 

For centuries, Christians have been on the leading edge of caring for the poor, of developing hospitals, universities, and science (yep, Newton, Galileo, and Kepler were all believers motivated by their Christian faith), of encouraging moral behavior—yet showing amazing forgiveness, of fighting to end slavery and abortion, and more. 

Why all this? Simply because their lives were changed by God's love—the kind of love that must be shared. Maybe a Christian has even shared his or her faith with you—I promise you, that wasn't easy. But we share because we want others to know and experience God too.

Now you might say, "If God does exist, why hasn't he given me more evidence? 

But maybe that's the wrong question. Because the Bible says that not only did God make you, but he's been providing for you your whole life (see Acts 14:17), and the proof is all around. Maybe the question you should be asking is, "With all these gifts I've been given, how do I still not believe?"

So are you seeking truth? Jesus said He is the way, and the truth, and the life, and no one gets to the Father except through him. Does this make sense? Do you believe God exists and rewards those who seek him (Heb. 11:6)? If so, Don't wait! Disown your sin right now, believe in Jesus as Savior and Ruler, who died for your sins and rose again. God will forgive you and enter your life—you will personally know the God who is there.

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Music Credits:

"Killers" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Rocket Power by Kevin MacLeodLink: