How to Shepherd Your Children During Pride Month

Please don't miss this. Like this video and subscribe to our channel so you never miss an episode! This is June, which means for many of our neighbors it's "...

This is June, which means for many of our neighbors it's "Pride Month," which is "an annual celebration of the LGBTQ community." Many corporations have jumped on board, including kid-focused outlets like Nickelodeon and Disney, who have both been promoting the Pride Month message through their advertising and social media.

This is June, which means for many of our neighbors it's "Pride Month," which is "an annual celebration of the LGBTQ community." Many corporations have jumped on board, including kid-focused outlets like Nickelodeon and Disney, who have both been promoting the Pride Month message through their advertising and social media. So, how are Christian parents to respond to all this?

How can we guide our children and families well during this season of the year? In today's Worldview Wednesday episode, Joel and Pastor Raef bring the biblical worldview to bear on the topic of Pride Month.

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Music Credits: 

Think Podcast intro music from

"Killers" by Kevin MacLeod (

License: CC BY (

Music from

Positive Fat Bass Intro Loop by WinnieTheMoog

