Answering “God Is Immoral,” Earthly Escapism, Faith As Evidence?


Say a non-Christian friend says he could never believe in a God who did the things God is recorded to have done in the Old Testament. Here's how you would use these steps. 

First, say, "It sounds like you are accusing God of being immoral. Did I get that right?” You are making sure you understand what the person is saying. This is the first question. Second, ask, "When you say immoral, what do you mean by that?" Here you are asking for a definition—the second question. And finally, you would ask "How do we judge which things are immoral? What standard applies to everyone at all times, even God? How do we know about this standard?” … You are asking for a standard.

In going through these three steps, are you avoiding the question? Not at all. Rather, you are taking your unbelieving discussion partner's claim seriously. You are showing that you care about him and his views, by asking to understand them better. You have not even begun to argue against his position yet. At this point, you are just bringing to the surface some assumptions (presuppositions) which may not have been very obvious at the beginning.

By making sure you understand your opponent’s position, and by asking for definitions and a standard, you are unveiling something important. You are bringing to light the fact that he has no real standard by which to judge God or Christianity! His own non-Christian way of thinking does not supply him with the categories necessary to judge God. Every measurement needs a metric—a standard—and he does not have a good one. Without the God of the Bible, how could he? Therefore, the non-Christian has to steal from Christianity ideas about logic, and morality, and rationality, in order to make his claims. You want to expose this fact.

—Source: from my forthcoming book, Bible Based Apologetics. One of the top skills every believer needs to learn is how to ask the right questions. My FREE Apologetics Questions Checklist will help you learn and use questions as you defend your faith. Get access here:


“We don't seek to escape this life by dreaming of heaven. But we do find we can endure this life because of the certainty of heaven. Heaven is eternal. Earth is temporal. Those who fix all their affections of the fleeting things of this world are the real escapists, because they are vainly attempting to avoid facing eternity - by hiding in the fleeting shadows of things that are only transient.
—John MacArthur


According to Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.” What do you think that means? 

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