Apologetics Questions Checklist

Apologetics Questions Checklist


Are you ready to answer questions and challenges to your Christian faith? One of the top skills every believer needs to learn is how to ask the right questions.

Proverbs 18:13 says, “The one who gives an answer before he listens — this is foolishness and disgrace for him.” The key to listening well in apologetics is asking good questions that both clarify the objection being raised, and draw out internal inconsistencies and contradictions within the person’s worldview.

This guide will provide you with 25 top questions to memorize and use in your next apologetics conversations. They will help you give a robust defense of the biblical worldview in three key areas:

  • Logic

  • Morality

  • Science

Download this free resource now, and refer back to it often.

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Of course, a single resource like this is not going to be able to cover everything you need to know for apologetics. If you want to get a better handle on how to defend your faith, including how to pass on a biblical defense to the younger generation, you need to know about our course for Christian men, Apologetics Foundations. To learn more about the Apologetics Foundations Course, go here.

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