Why Christian Metaphysics Is Better than Materialism, Pantheism, Norse Religion, and Islam
podcast, WorldviewGuest Usermetaphysics, prime reality, biblical worldview, Socrates, truth, philosophy, spirituality, mind vs matter, one and many, consciousness, God, Jesus, Christian apologetics, reality, metaphysical questions, spiritual knowledge, biblical teaching, personal identity, non-Christian worldviews, understanding reality
The Meaning of Life According to the Bible
podcast, WorldviewGuest UserHumans made in God's image, human purpose in the Bible, dominion over creation, biblical meaning of life, what is our purpose, Michael Heiser on God's image, Christian worldview, God's command to fill the earth, biblical stewardship, humans' role in creation, what does the Bible say about humanity, Psalm on dominion, God's plan for mankind, Bible teaching on human purpose, how to reflect God, creation and stewardship in the Bible, Christian apologetics for human purpose, understanding God's design for people, Think Institute, Joel Settecase, biblical answers to life's big questions.
What a Biblical Worldview Actually Looks Like
Worldview, podcastGuest UserBiblical worldview podcast, Importance of a Christian worldview, Defining worldview in Christianity, Syncretism in America and the Church, Jesus and the Biblical worldview, Key questions for every worldview, Understanding the Bible's uniqueness, How to develop a Biblical worldview, Christian apologetics and worldview, Addressing life’s biggest questions with the Bible
Why the Trinity Is Necessary for Logic
Apologetics, Worldview, podcastGuest UserPresuppositional apologetics, defending Christianity, Christian worldview defense, answering atheism, biblical apologetics, Christian faith challenges, apologetics and evangelism, Reformed theology defense, cultural apologetics, engaging skeptics
Is the Doctrine of the Trinity Relevant Today?
Articles, Worldview, Philosophy, Theology, TrinityGuest UserChristian apologetics, Trinity doctrine, Christian philosophy, biblical worldview, theological discipleship, Christian men's community, Christian leadership training, cultural apologetics, Christian study center, family discipleship resources
How to Win a Debate Against an Atheist
Apologetics, Interviews, podcastGuest UserChristian apologetics, how to debate an atheist, presuppositional apologetics, winning debates against atheists, Eli Ayala Revealed Apologetics, Joel Settecase Worldview Legacy, Christian debate strategies, defending Christian faith, intellectual preparation for debates, engaging atheist worldviews
Exploring Calvinism: Is It Biblical? A Deep Dive with Dr. Keith Foskey
Worldview, podcast, Interviews, CalvinismGuest UserCalvinism, biblical Calvinism, Reformed theology, TULIP doctrine, Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints, John Calvin, Christian theology, Worldview Legacy podcast, Dr. Keith Foskey, Your Calvinist Podcast, theological discussion, Christian faith, Calvinism explained, Reformed beliefs, predestination, Christian doctrine
"¿Por qué crees en Dios?" Aquí está mi respuesta.
Apologetics, Español, Spanish, Other LanguagesGuest Usercreer en Dios, existencia de Dios, fe cristiana, verdad bíblica, sentido del mundo, pruebas de la Biblia, autoridad de las Escrituras, sentido de la vida, testimonio cristiano, apologética cristiana
Christian vs. Atheist Debate: Does Objective Morality Require God?
Apologetics, Debate, podcast, AtheismGuest Userobjective morality, does morality require God, philosophy of religion, ethical non-naturalism, theistic moral realism, meta-ethics debate, morality and God, moral values vs obligations, atheism and morality, divine command theory, moral philosophy discussion, Christian worldview, moral truths and God, Benjamin Blake Speed Watkins, Joel Settecase debate, Real Atheology podcast, moral arguments for God's existence, God's necessary existence, grounding morality in God, Christian apologetics
A Christian Perspective of History
Worldview, politics, Politics, political theory, podcastGuest UserChristian worldview, theology and history, Western civilization, biblical roots, Alfred the Great, St. Patrick, spiritual implications, contemporary politics, Christian history, Mike D'Virgilio, Going Back to Find the Way Forward, Christian leadership, defend your faith, Christian apologetics, historical figures, Christianity and culture, biblical influence, historical theology, Christian podcast, Christian men leadership
How Christians Should NOT Wage the Culture War
Bible, Worldview, podcast, Politics, politicsGuest Usersin and conscience, effects of sin, biblical perspective on sin, Samson and sin, deadening effect of sin, spiritual consequences of sin, how sin affects conscience, Christian discipleship, sin and faith, repentance and restoration, biblical lessons on sin, 1 Timothy 4:2, seared conscience, Samson Bible story, Bible study on sin, overcoming sin in Christianity, turning back to Christ
The Best Argument for Christianity Is Also the Simplest
Apologetics, podcast, BibleGuest UserChristian apologetics, best argument for Christianity, truth of Christianity, evidence for Christianity, presuppositional apologetics, Christian worldview, biblical truth, cosmological argument, ontological argument, moral argument, teleological argument, resurrection evidence, existence of God, Bible as evidence, Christian philosophy, transcendental argument, historical Jesus, Christian faith defense.
How Sinning Affects Your Conscience (Ask the Bible)
Bible, Worldview, podcastGuest Usersin and conscience, effects of sin, biblical perspective on sin, Samson and sin, deadening effect of sin, spiritual consequences of sin, how sin affects conscience, Christian discipleship, sin and faith, repentance and restoration, biblical lessons on sin, 1 Timothy 4:2, seared conscience, Samson Bible story, sin and spiritual life, sin and spiritual deadening, Christian manhood, Bible study on sin, overcoming sin in Christianity, turning back to Christ
How to Find Jesus In the Old Testament (3 Ways)
Apologetics, Worldview, Spiritual RealmGuest UserFinding Jesus in the Old Testament, Jesus in the Old Testament, Old Testament Prophecies, Jesus Christ Prophecies, Divine Encounters, Jacob and Jesus, Moses and Jesus, Joshua and Jesus, Gideon and Jesus, Prophetic Phrases, Daniel’s Vision, Jesus in Daniel, Bible Study, Strengthen Your Faith, Biblical Theology, Christian Apologetics, Redemptive Plan, God's Salvation Plan, Evangelism, Hammer & Anvil Society
The Problem of Evil: An Answer from Christian Philosophy
Apologetics, podcastGuest UserThe Problem of Evil, Christian Apologetics, Philosophy of Religion, Theology, Evil and Suffering, Christianity, Biblical Answers, Theodicy, Christian Philosophy, Faith and Reason, Francis Schaeffer, John Frame, Vern Poythress, New Covenant Theology, Triperspectivalism, Cultural Apologetics, Christian Worldview, Answering Atheism, Defending Faith, Think Institute
What Angels Look Like (and What They Do)
Articles, WorldviewGuest UserAngels in Scripture, Biblical Angelology, Role of Angels in Christianity, Seraphim and Cherubim, Angelic Hierarchy, Angels in the Bible, Angelic Messages in Scripture, Spiritual Warfare and Angels, Angelic Warriors in Scripture, Angels as Messengers, Angelic Encounters in the Bible, Angels and Divine Council, Angelic Role in God's Plan, Angels in Old Testament, Angels in New Testament, Angelology and Theology, Angels versus Demons, Jesus Christ and Angels, Importance of Angels in Christian Faith, Angelology Lessons for Christians
Biblically Accurate Angels Explained
Worldview, Theology, podcastGuest UserAngels in Scripture, Biblical Angelology, Role of Angels in Christianity, Seraphim and Cherubim, Angelic Hierarchy, Angels in the Bible, Angelic Messages in Scripture, Spiritual Warfare and Angels, Angelic Warriors in Scripture, Angels as Messengers, Angelic Encounters in the Bible, Angels and Divine Council, Angelic Role in God's Plan, Angels in Old Testament, Angels in New Testament, Angelology and Theology, Angels versus Demons, Jesus Christ and Angels, Importance of Angels in Christian Faith, Angelology Lessons for Christians
Atheists Should Never Question the Historicity of the Gospels Again. Here's Why.
Why Atheism Can't Make Sense of History
What Is Christian Education?
Education, Family, podcastGuest UserChristian Education, Faith-Based Learning, Christian Schools, Christian Homeschooling, Bible Study Curriculum, Christian Teaching Methods, Religious Education, Christian Academics, Christian Schooling Tips, Christian Education Philosophy, Christian Parenting, Christian Curriculum, Christian Education Resources, Biblical Education, Christian Classroom Strategies, Faith-Based Curriculum, Christian Education Programs, Integrating Faith and Learning, Christian Educational Leadership, Christian Teacher Training