How Sinning Affects Your Conscience (Ask the Bible)

Have you ever wondered how sin affects your conscience and what the long-term consequences might be? It’s time to ask the Bible.

This video explores the powerful impact sin has on our conscience, using the biblical example of Samson to illustrate the deadening effect it can have. Discover how sin not only harms others but also damages your own spiritual life, and learn how to turn back to Christ for restoration.

Key Points Discussed:

The Deadening Effect of Sin:

Understanding the Impact: Sin has a deadening effect on a man’s conscience, as seen in the life of Samson. Just because you lack conviction doesn’t mean you lack sin.

Biblical Insight: According to Paul in 1 Timothy 4:2, sin can sear our conscience, making us insensitive to God’s guidance.

The Story of Samson:

A Warning from Samson's Life: In Judges 14:3, Samson chooses a Philistine wife because it is right in his own eyes, not God’s. This decision demonstrates how sin can lead us away from God’s will.

Further Transgressions: Samson continues to sin, as seen in Judges 14:8 when he returns to the lion’s carcass. His choices ultimately lead to his downfall, symbolized by his lost strength and gouged eyes.

Why This Matters:

A Call to Discipleship and Manhood: Sin’s deadening effect prevents you from living the life God intends for you.

An Invitation to Repentance: If you have been giving in to sin, now is the time to recognize its effects, turn back to Christ, and be restored.

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