Christian vs. Atheist Debate: Does Objective Morality Require God?

You're about to see the Transcendental Argument for God in action when atheism and Christianity collide.

In this compelling episode of the Worldview Legacy podcast, Joel Settecase steps into the hot seat on the "Real Atheology, a Philosophy of Religion Podcast," hosted by Benjamin Blake Speed Watkins. The conversation centers around one of the most profound questions in moral philosophy: Does Objective Morality Require God?

Join Joel and Ben as they engage in a rigorous and respectful dialogue, exploring their contrasting views on the nature of morality and meta-ethics. Ben presents his case for ethical non-naturalism, arguing that objective moral values can exist independently of God. Joel counters by grounding moral truths in the very nature of God, asserting that without a divine being, objective morality lacks a coherent foundation.

Key Topics Covered:

The distinction between moral values and moral obligations.

Ethical non-naturalism vs. theistic moral realism.

The relationship between general and special revelation in understanding morality.

The coherence (or incoherence) of abstract moral propositions without a divine mind.

Joel’s challenge to atheism and the implications of God’s necessary existence for morality and knowledge.

The episode concludes with a thought-provoking challenge from Joel, inviting listeners to consider the Christian worldview and its robust answers to the moral questions that shape our lives.

🚀 Takeaways:

Gain a deeper understanding of the debate on objective morality.

Learn about different perspectives on the source of moral truths.

Explore the philosophical and theological implications of a godless morality vs. a theistic moral framework.

Don't miss this engaging episode that tackles one of the most debated questions in the philosophy of religion!

🔗 Resource Mentioned:

Real Atheology, a Philosophy of Religion Podcast: 


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