Do All Religions Ultimately Teach the Same Thing? (Pluralism DEBUNKED)
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms
The Blacksmith
What About Biblical Contradictions?
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms
Is the Gospel Based on Pagan Myths?!
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms, Carpe Fide, crutch, crutchianity
Should Churches Join the Metaverse?
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms, Carpe Fide, crutch, crutchianity
The Bible... A Book of Fairy Tales? Not So Fast. [12 Days of Christmas #8]
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms, Carpe Fide, crutch, crutchianity
Actually Christianity Is NOT Just A Crutch (Because Our Leg Wasn't Broken; We Were DEAD) [12 Days of Christmas #7]
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms, Carpe Fide, crutch, crutchianity
Should Christians Obey Vax Mandates?
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms, Carpe Fide
No, the Bible Has NOT Been Corrupted
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms
How Can Christianity Be the ONLY True Religion?
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms, owen anderson, sun devils
Can We Trust the New Testament Authors?
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms
If God Is There, Why Is There Evil?
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics, parker's pensees, parker settecase, Christmas, god, jesus, bible, jesuschrist, christian, lord, jesussaves, christianity, intheword, prayer, pray, faith, bibleverse, religion, love, presup, presuppositional, biblical, biblestudy, bible study, joel settecase, reality of christianity, holybible, godsword, christ, praise, christians, holy, psalms
When Was the New Testament ACTUALLY Written?
Apologetics, podcast, 12 Days of ChristmasGuest Userthinkpod, think podcast, 12 Days of Christmas, New Testament, Textual Criticism, theology, philosophy, apologetics
Where Did Christmas Come From and Should We Celebrate It?
Apologetics, podcast, WorldviewGuest UserCHRISTMAS, pagan, history, history of christmas, christmas tree, what is the christmas tree, what is the meaning of the christmas tree, symbolism, christmas symbolism, christmas pagan, traditions, philip schaff, church history, joel settecase, think institute, the think institute, think podcast, thinkpod
The (Pagan) History and (Christian) Meaning of Christmas
Articles, Christmas, Worldview, HistoryGuest Userchristmas, pagan holiday, heathen, saturnalia, midwinter festifval, midwinter festival, origin of christmas, history of christmas, what is the origin of christmas, history of christmas?
A Father's Guide to Leading Your Family at Christmas Time
Worldview, Parenting, podcast, FatherhoodGuest Userchristmas, advent, spiritual leadership, fatherhood, dads, the think institute, thinkpod, thinksquad, joel settecase, bible, theology, christmastime, advent devotional, new years devotoinal, new year devotional
Why Godly Patriarchs Need Brotherly Community
Masculinity, Manliness, Worldview, podcastGuest Userbrotherhood, fraternity, christian fraternity, christian manliness, godliness, fraternal organization, think institute, apologetics, worldview, presup, theology, the think institute, khaldoun sweis, logically faithful, micah morgan, red cloud contracting
Look Around You: God Still Has Many Faithful Saints (Colossians 1:1-3)
Worldview, Bible, podcastGuest Usercolossians, bible study, biblical, think method, T.H.I.N.K. Method, Biblical Study, Joel Settecase, think institute, Paul, Jesus, Worldview
Apologetics Must Begin With This.
Apologetics, podcast, politicsGuest Userapologetics, bible, joel settecase, theology, biblical apologetics, think institute, thethink, the think institute, apologetics for men, apologetics for dads, fathers, men, manliness, christian manliness, presup, presupp, presuppositional, presuppositionalism, datpresup, datpresupp, presuppositionalist, apologete, #datpresup, #datpresupp
How to Find Intellectual Community In Your 20s, 30s and Beyond [Through Christian Study Centers]
Worldview, podcast, InterviewsGuest Userchristian study centers, podcasts, l'abri, ligonier valley study center, christian study center, consortium of christian study centers, upper house, center for christian study, c. s. lewis institute, kj johnson, charlie cotherman, charles cotherman, think christianly, joel settecase, the think institute, thinkpod, think podcast