Concerning Sye
Some Initial Thoughts
I don’t have much to say about my friend and co-laborer in the Gospel, Sye Ten Bruggencate. Actually, that’s not true. I have lots of very, very good things to say about him. I just don’t have much to say about his recent announcement that he would be stepping down from ministry. What follows is not any kind of official statement from Cru, and I certainly don’t speak on behalf of Sye or his ministry. Rather, these are the thoughts of one man who has worked with Sye, learned from him, and been blessed to call him a friend and brother in the Lord.
It’s not my place to explain, object, or speculate on (a) whether him stepping down from ministry is appropriate and necessary (although I do have my own opinion about that; that decision is obviously way out of my hands either way) or (b) what the future might hold for Sye and his ministry.
However, if you know me, and if you’ve heard me practice any apologetics at all, then you undoubtably know how much of an influence Sye has had on me. I know this is the case for many of you, as well. That influence is indelible and will continue, even if Sye never puts out another piece of apologetics content again. That being said, and I speak only for myself here, I hope he does return to ministry in the future.
How should we respond?
But we aren’t living in that hypothetical future, yet. So how should we respond right now? We’re Christians, so we don’t “cancel” our brothers and sisters in Christ. However, sometimes a brother announces that he needs to take a step out of ministry. And what else can we do but to trust God offer our brother all the grace, compassion, and understanding that Christ affords us? This is the time to be praying for our brother Sye, and for his church elders, and for all affected by or involved in the situation.
How should we pray?
Pray, first and foremost, that Christ would be glorified.
Pray that the Lord would draw near to Sye during this time and minister to him, restore him, and redeem the situation (God can do that! Go read Romans 8:28-39), and that God’s Spirit would draw near to everyone else in the orbit of this situation on every side, guiding hearts, thoughts, words and actions in a way that is best (God can turn and direct hearts, cf. Proverbs 21:1, and bring incredible comfort and healing, cf. Psalm 103:3-5).
And finally, pray that the word of God would be vindicated. For years Sye, the former boiler operator, has been working boldly to get the Gospel out to those who need to hear it, and to defend the truth of God’s word to those who want to challenge it. God’s word does not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). Pray that those who would try to use this development as an occasion to slander Christ or the Gospel would be put to shame, and would come to repentance and saving faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus: the perfect Lamb of God, and the only human being to never sin. We need His grace as much today as ever, and sometimes if feels like we need it more.
What About “Answer Anyone with Sye Ten Bruggencate?”
That’s all I have to say about the situation. As you may have guessed, our joint podcast “Answer Anyone with Sye Ten Bruggencate” has been discontinued, ending two episodes early. I will be leaving the episodes up (unless directed otherwise by Sye), and I pray that they will continue to be a blessing to believers and a powerful resource to overcome unbelieving thought with God’s truth.
Now, here’s the statement from Sye.
“It is with great sadness that I must inform you that I have been guilty of moral failure and will no longer be involved in public ministry. I have spoken with the elders of my church, and they have determined that my sin disqualifies me from the ministry. This means that I will no longer be involved in teaching, preaching, or apologetics. I am sorry for the shame my sin has brought upon the name of Christ and for the hurt I have caused. Please pray for me.
I have submitted myself to the care of the elders of Faith Presbyterian Church, Tillsonburg. If you have any questions please email my elders at
This post will remain on my private page until I delete my page this evening, but will remain on my public page which my Session will now be controlling.”