What You Need To Know About Why Faith In The Bible Is Reasonable

Christian, here are 3 facts which, if you commit them to memory, will stop you getting stumped by atheists who INSIST faith in the Bible is "irrational."

What Makes Something Reasonable?

For reasonableness to even be a thing, you must have the Three R's:

• Rules

• Reality

• Reliability

And the Bible can explain all three. Can atheism?

FACT #1: The Bible explains the RULES of reasonableness.

These are the laws of logic and moral obligation. Both the Christian and the atheist must agree that neither will knowingly make a contradiction, or lie, or misrepresent the other's position.

The laws of thought and ethics that make the dialogue possible are immaterial, unchanging, universal, and knowable.

The biblical worldview explains that these laws are grounded in God. Without God—given atheism—these rules are nonsense... and reasonableness is meaningless.

FACT #2: The Bible explains the REALITY around us.

For "reasonableness" to be a meaningful concept, there must be an actual, external reality that both exists and is intelligible to us, about which we can reason.

The Bible makes sense of this too. The Bible teaches that God created the world as a real place. He wants us to live in it and to know true things about it. Ultimately, our knowledge of the world is meant to point us to knowing Him.

Atheism, however, gives no basis for thinking that the world is actually "out there," or that we can know anything about it at all.

FACT #3: The Bible explains the RELIABILITY of our reasoning.

Both the atheist and the Christian agree that human beings have truth-seeking capacities. We use our reasoning, our five senses, and our intuition to make sense of life.

For Christians, we have good reason to think these are reliable. The Bible teaches we are made in God's image. In Scripture, God invites us to "taste and see that the Lord is good."

Atheism, however, maintains that our faculties are the product of material causes and random chance. In an atheistic world, there's no reason to trust them.


It's not only reasonable to believe the Bible. It's the only way reasonableness makes any sense at all.

Get the full explanation on episode #29 of the Worldview Legacy Podcast.