What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs, with Brian Thomas

If you're anything like me, you are fascinated by dinosaurs (or at least you were as a kid). But did you ever stop to think what really happened to them? Did they truly die out 65 million years ago? Did they turn into birds?

If you’re anything like me, you are fascinated by dinosaurs (or at least you were as a kid). But did you ever stop to think what really happened to them? Did they truly die out 65 million years ago? Did they turn into birds? And how do we reconcile the millions of years we were taught in school with the biblical timeline that seems to be much shorter?

Now, if you’ve done a little more in-depth study into the subject of dinosaurs from a Christian perspective, maybe you’ve even rumors of some, deep in the realms of the Christian intellectual dark web, who actually believe that dinosaurs and humans coexisted--and even that dinosaur-like creatures are mentioned in the Bible.

All this is a lot to take in and process, and getting solid answers can seem nearly impossible. If that’s how you feel, you’re going to find today’s conversation fascinating. Even if you’re settled in your opinion about dinosaurs--one way or the other, you’re going to want to listen closely in order to understand this position. 

My guest today is Brian Thomas, and he is the person to talk to if you want to know about dinosaurs from a biblical perspective. Dr. Thomas received a master’s in biotechnology in 1999 and his Ph. D. in paleobiochemistry in 2019 from the University of Liverpool. After teaching in junior and high schools in Texas, he taught biology, chemistry and anatomy as an adjunct and assistant professor at Dallas-area universities.

Since 2008 Dr. Thomas has worked with the Institute for Creation Research as a science writer, editor and research associate, contributing news and magazine articles, speaking on creation issues, and researching original tissue fossils. He is the author of Dinosaurs and the Bible and a contributor to many other books. His dissertation, Ancient and Fossil Bone Collagen Remnants, is available in book form. 

Highlights From the Episode:

  • Let’s begin with the basics: What is a Dinosaur?

  • What do you want Christians to understand about dinosaurs?

  • What is the biggest misunderstandings people have about dinosaurs?

  • It’s been said that the Bible was not written as a science textbook. How certain are you that the opening chapters of Genesis present actual history?

  • One of the things I really enjoyed about Dinosaurs And The Bible is that you come out of the gate swinging. In the first few pages of the book you say that the idea of millions of years of earth history is unscientific. Why is that?


  • One fact that has absolutely fascinated me, which I can’t believe I haven’t heard more about in the mainstream science publications, is the discovery of extant soft tissue in dinosaur bones. Tell us about that? 

  • How do we know these tissues couldn’t have survived for millions of years by some unknown process? 

  • What other paleontological evidence is there of dinosaurs existing in the more recent past while humans have existed? What about the Paluxy River Bed? Are there really human and therapod tracks in the same rock bed?


  • You write about a theory that has intrigued me for years: that the dragons of myth, legend, and even historical writings were actually dinosaurs--indicating that humans and dinosaurs coexisted. What are some of the most compelling examples to you? 

  • Do you personally think any dinosaurs have survived down to the current day?

  • Why did all the dinosaurs die out, but other large reptiles (e.g. komodo dragons, pythons, crocodiles) are still around?


  • I’ve known about the behemoth and the leviathan for years (I remember studying those for hours on the internet when I was in high school), as well as the tanyim, all of which are purported to be dinosaurs or dino-like creatures mentioned in Scripture. But you go much deeper and suggest there are many more examples of dinosaurs in the Bible. You even assert that Jonah may have been swallowed by one! Tell us about that.

Answering Objections

  • Doesn’t radiometric and carbon dating establish the deep-time of the evolutionary model’s time scale? 

  • Even if scientific evidence (existence of soft tissue, results of radiometric dating, etc.) don’t support millions of years, aren’t we still left with potentially tens or even hundreds of thousands of years? How close can science get us to determining the exact age of the past?

  • It’s been objected that dinosaur fossils have been found with feathers or proto-feathers. In Dinosaurs and the Bible, you address this idea. Could you explain that?

  • How do we know dinosaurs weren’t genetic manipulations of other forms of reptiles, created by antediluvian people? The Bible says there were giants, and Enoch chapter 7 (I know it’s not Scripture) says the people of that day sinned against the animals. Could that have involved genetic modification? 

  • Why do you view Genesis as history instead of poetry?


  • What do you hope our listeners will walk away with after our conversation? 

  • What would you say to any non-Christians listening? 

  • How can folks take their study of this subject further? And please tell us about projects you’re currently working on. 

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