What Christians Must Learn from True Crime

Over the last 10 years, your culture has shifted, and your apologetics needs to shift with it. We need an approach to defending our faith that shows why Christianity is not merely true but also GOOD. That's just what J. Warner Wallace gives us in this episode. Jim talks with Joel Settecase about his book, "The Truth In True Crime." 

There's a lot of really great knowledge packed into this episode, and it's going to help you become better able to live a good life, lead your family and defend your faith.

(Don't miss what Jim says about fatherhood toward the end!)


About The Think Institute: 

We are a Christian educational and evangelistic nonprofit. We exist to revolutionize the way Christian men engage with their faith, providing them with the education, resources, and community necessary to effectively witness and disciple within their spheres of influence.


In this episode you will learn about the following:

• Have we reached a point in history where we need to shift our apologetics focus?

• What resources does the Christian man have to suffer well?

• How to move from post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth

• How rethinking the narrative structure of your life can help you find meaning in all the chapters of God’s story and reinterpret your trauma

• What about the universal need for fathers?

• The secret sauce to flourishing

• How can Christianity  help us be better dads?

• Why do we fear death?

• What terror management theory and mortality salience can teach us about how to live a better life.

• How Christian theology solves the fear of death.

Get J. Warner Wallace's new book and a TON of free resources at https://thetruthintruecrime.com.


Learn more about our men's fellowship: The Hammer & Anvil Society: https://thethink.institute/society. 


Please support this work! Give to the Think Institute at https://thethink.institute/partner . 


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This channel will deliver even more knowledge on how to answer questions and objections to the Christian worldview! If you subscribe now, you'll get to hear the next video in this series...


Want to bring Joel to speak at your church or event? Go here: https://thethink.institute/booking 


Please support this work. Donate to The Think Institute: https://thethink.institute/partner 


Music Credits: 

Rock Guitar Intro 03 by Taigasoundprod

License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Free download: filmmusic.io: search rock-guitar-intro-03-by-taigasoundprod