Think Update #9 (February 5, 2020)

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I send out these emails to provide you with tools and tips so you more easily explain, share and defend the Christian message. We call this living a missional lifestyle.

The first place we do this is in own household:
Biblically speaking, a husband self-sacrificially loves his wife by applying the purifying effect of God's word to her life (Ep. 5:26). Wives in turn exemplify God's grace to their husbands via submission and "pure, reverent" conduct (1 Pe. 3:1-2). And parents lovingly educate their kids in the faith (Ep. 6:4; Ti. 2:4-5).

In this way, your household can become a "Gospel Outpost" in your neighborhood, and a place where the Christian message is both taught and "caught." Imperfectly? Of course. But powerfully? Absolutely.

This subject of teaching in and through the home is on my mind this week, because it's our family's first week of home schooling. That's right, Aliza and I are taking the plunge (pray for us). So I thought it would be good to make the theme of this Think Update, Education

That means today I'm sharing FOUR resources to help you think biblically about education and the home, as well as the newest Think Podcast episode and this week's most popular blog article (which is as educational as it is mind-bending). Enjoy, and until next time, "I hope it makes you think." 


New Episode77 - Why You Should Start Listening To Lost Sermons From The Past, With Troy Frasier & Joel Bourdes. 
Troy and Joel, the hosts of Revived Thoughts, explain how their podcast can help you avoid shallowness in your Christian worldview and put down deep historical roots, as well as grow spiritually. I really enjoyed this conversation a lot, and I think you'll find it educational and interesting. Listen here.

Top Post: Are We Living In A Simulation?
This week's top blog article (by far) is "Simulation Theory Debunked," written by Parker Settecase. Check it out and listen to the accompanying podcast episode for a real treat.

One of the top Think Podcast episodes, in which I interview Pastor Doug Wilson on the Classical Christian Education phenomenon, a movement he and his wife Nancy helped launch. Check it out

Men! Come to the Next Think Tank Discussion group for Robust, Respectful Dialogue Based On Biblical Questions. Next Meetup Is 2/12. Get More Info by Tapping [This] Button.

Catakids! (AKA The New Covenant Catechism for Little Ones) is the resource I originally wrote for my own family, so Aliza and I could teach my children the basics of the faith. Since then it's caught on, and today it's used by churches, other families, and, maybe, you! Get it on Amazon for a few bucks or download the PDF free via the website.

As I write this, I've finished four books this year (one was an audiobook, but I'm still counting it). This gem by C. R. Wiley [get it here] was one of them. In this book, which fits well with our theme of education, Wiley details how the Christian home can be a powerful spiritual fortress. I'd call it a must-read for dads, to be sure. If you read it, shoot me an email and let me know what you think: 

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