Think Update #7 (December 12, 2019)

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This week I want to encourage you to go hard. You have one life to live on this earth before you stand before Jesus. If you're a Christian, then your sins are paid for, and there's no condemnation to fear (Rm. 8:1).
However, even as a follower of Christ you will have to give an account on that day of how you invested what the Lord gave you.
In the great Parable of the Talents💰 (cf. Mt. 25:14-30), the master doesn't condemn the stewards who took risks to multiply their deposits. On the contrary, he rebukes the one who hides his deposit away and refuses to take any risks. 
Your three tools this week will help you make risky moves in your adherence to the biblical worldview, in sharing the Gospel and in defending the Christian message. 
I believe no Christian should ever get caught flat-footed (off-guard) when asked about the Christian message. These tools will help you never get caught flat-footed again.
So pray for boldness, commit to risky Gospel investment, and trust the Lord with the results. He's the master; we're the slaves (1 Cor. 7:22). Time to be faithful, take risks, and go hard for our Lord.

READ: The CSB Worldview Study Bible📖

I love the CSB translation, and I really love the articles in this Bible. This tool will help you get equipped to articulate the Christian message, straight from the pages of Scripture. It isn't the greatest study Bible on the planet, but it's not supposed to be. A valuable resource for those who wish to go hard. 

Read my review of this Bible right here.

TAKE the Sometime Challenge🗣️

Here is a great episode of the Think Podcast to listen to, to get you fired up about sharing your faith. It's called, "Why It's So Hard to Share Your Faith (and 3 simple steps to become more evangelistic)."

After you listen to it, I want to invite you to take the "Sometime Challenge". What's that, you ask? This is when you ask someone for a "Sometime Appointment." And I challenge you to do this this week.

A "Sometime Appointment" is easy to ask for. You simply say to your non-Christian friend or acquaintance, "Some time, I'd like to hear about your spiritual journey. Would you be up for that?"

I learned about this method when I trained for Cojourners, the evangelism class I now teach to churches. It was developed by the Cru Church Movements team, and I love it. It's risky, but it's low pressure. Try it out this week. I'll be looking for opportunities to use it too. 

If you take the Sometime Challenge, let me know how it goes. Email me at

WATCH: "How To Answer The Fool"🎦

When it comes to defending the faith, hardly anyone goes harder than Sye Ten Bruggencate, the creator of this film. Warning: it will fan the flame of your desire to do apologetics.

Sye is all about Presuppositionalism, in which the Bible is the foundation both for what we communicate as apologists, and how we communicate it. 

Watch this and get ready to go hard in your defense of the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). If nothing else, it will strengthen your confidence in Christ and the Christian message.

Go to TheThink.Institute for more resources, to book me to speak at your church or ministry, and to follow us on social media. 

Subscribe to the Think Podcast here.

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