Think Update #2 (October 22, 2019)

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Thanks for signing up for the Think Update. This is la deuxième épisode. Every week I’m curating and delivering resources to help you explain, share and answer objections about your faith. 
You’ve probably got a lot more emails to get to, so let’s get things started. Here are three new tools to put in your toolbox. 

READ: Rules For Reformers by Douglas Wilson

Douglas Wilson is no stranger to controversy, and he courts it with this book on how to fight and win cultural battles (a response to Saul Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals). Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world (Jn. 18:36), but he didn’t say it isn't in the world at all, and he does tell us to disciple the nations (Mt. 28:19). Wilson's book is helpful for learning how to do that--in some surprising and skillful ways. My biggest takeaway: look for targets that are 1. Strategic and 2. Feasible. Read it and develop your biblical #Worldview.

LISTEN: “What Pronouns Should We Use For Transgender People?”

The question of gender has exploded into public view this year. Last week, while in Manhattan for meetings, I had a robust conversation over dinner with a fellow Cru missionary about how we ought to engage with folks who identify as transgender and non-binary. After our discussion I went back to my hotel room, wrote down my thoughts (supplemented with research) and recorded them for the Think Podcast. It’s become my second-most-popular episode in the month of October (next to my episode with Douglas Wilson, actually), and I think it will give you some biblical clarity for how we can love God and love our neighbors well. Listen to grow in your cultural #Apologetics.

DOWNLOAD: God Tools App | (Get for Apple) | (Get for Google Play)

Often when I share the Gospel I “wing it,” drawing on what I’ve memorized and trusting the Holy Spirit to lead me. Have you ever tried that? If so, you know that, while it can be exciting, it can lead to conversational dead-ends and wildly veering off-track. So there are at least three advantages to using a tool like the GodTools app.

  • There’s no need to memorize anything

  • It guides the conversation to keep it on track

  • It’s transferrable--they can pass it along to others. 

I have used GodTools in my own personal evangelism, and I think you’ll find it helpful too. No, it does not remove the need for study and reliance on the Holy Spirit. However, it may very well make your #Evangelism easier and more effective.

  • Go to TheThink.Institute for more resources, to book me to speak at your church or ministry, and to follow us on social media.

  • Subscribe to the Think Podcast here.

  • Partner with my family’s mission to equip churches and bring the Gospel to Chicago right here.

  • Pray for and get updates for our son Lukas here



