How to Use “Imaginative Apologetics” and Stories to Teach Your Kids the Christian Faith

There seems to be an innate desire in the human heart to hear—and to tell—good stories. It seems to be the way we are wired.

We are going to answer the question, “How can stories help you defend your Christian faith, and pass it on to the younger generation?”

Today you’re going to hear from Dr. Michael Jahosky. This is Mike’s third time on the show. He is a Tolkein scholar and writes on those great authors, JRR Tolkein and CS Lewis. And he is going to help us understand the importance of capturing the imagination of our listeners, as we’re defending our Christian faith… and how to do the same thing when we’re seeking to teach our children the Christian worldview… through excellent stories.

Questions we'll answer today include: 

  • What is Imaginative Apologetics and how does it help? 

  • How does Imaginative Apologetics actually work?

  • Why do parents need good tools for teaching their kids the Christian worldview?

  • Which books by JRR Tolkein and CS Lewis should you be reading to your kids? 

  • What are the benefits of teaching your kids about the concept of “mystery?” (Not the genre… the theological concept).

  • And what are some other stories that can help your children grow in the Christian faith?

Resources mentioned:


  • The Pendragon Cycle stories:


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Music Credits:

Synthwave Intro 10 by TaigaSoundProd

