Is There a Conflict Between Science and Christian Faith?

Is there a conflict between science and faith? According to a recent report from Pew Research, “Some 59% of Americans say science and religion are often in conflict, while 38% say the two are mostly compatible.

Is the majority correct? Are science and Christian faith in conflict? It’s time to unpack this question. Along the way, We will also answer these questions: 

• What are two kinds of invisible, immaterial laws that we must presuppose in order to engage in science? 

• What are “induction” and "uniformity in nature," and how do they point to God? 

• Where does the Bible teach that God designed the world in a way that points to Him?

• What is the evolutionary argument against naturalism?

• What is the problem of limited knowledge, and how does it point to God?

What we're going to see is that science needs Jesus. We'll discover this by looking at three things: 

  1. The invisible laws of math and logic

  2. Uniformity in nature

  3. The human mind itself. 





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Music Credits:

Synthwave Intro 10 by TaigaSoundProd

