Proof that Jesus is the Messiah

You might know that, along with podcasting, we have other initiatives here at the Think Institute to help dads lead their families in defending the Christian message. Right now I'm working on apologetics curriculum for homeschool co-ops, I teach a high school apologetics class, and I'm preparing for our upcoming Biblical Worldview Course through the Hammer & Anvil course. So I do a lot of teaching, and I'm a big believer that if you're going to teach a skill, you should also be an active practitioner of that skill. 

To keep my apologetics skills sharp, I hop on Discord for an apologetics AMA (Ask Me Anything) and take tough questions about the Gospel, the Christian message and the biblical worldview. Sometimes the discussions I have there inspire me to create a new ThinkPod episode. 

That's what happened with this episode. I recently had a discussion with a man who calls himself "The Jew of Wall Street" (listen on YouTube: about whether Jesus of Nazareth really is the Jewish Messiah. Of course, as a Christian, I say he is. 

Do you believe the same thing? Not only that Jesus is Lord and Savior, but that He specifically is the Messiah, the Anointed One, promised to the Jewish people in the Tanakh (the Old Testament)? Alright, now how well could you explain why that is? In this episode, Roy Schwarcz joins me again, and he's going to lay out in vivid detail the proof, from the Old Testament, from the Tanakh, that Jesus of Nazareth really is the promised Messiah. Roy and I have talked about Passover (here: and Shavuot (here:, and I think you'll be educated, edified and encouraged by what he has to say about Jesus being the Messiah. 

So sit back—or better yet, sit forward—listen up, and I'll give you a heads-up that you may want to be ready to pause this one and jot down notes as we go. There's a lot here, and it's really, really good. 

You will learn:

  • What was required of the Messiah?

  • How did Jesus meet the requirements?

  • How do we communicate this to our Jewish neighbors (and our kids)?

New Worldview Course

Before you go, I want to tell you about the Hammer & Anvil Society. This is the discipleship wing of the Think Institute, and together we're pursuing about biblical soundness, boldness and brotherhood. We do that through cohort-based courses that help you explain, share and defend the Christian message. 

Scripture says "see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world" (Colossians 2:8a). 

When it comes to philosophies and traditions, the Christian message has plenty of competition out there. There are many competing worldviews. Now, every worldview must answer 7 questions: 

  1. What is real? 

  2. What is right? 

  3. What can we know for sure? 

  4. What does it mean to be human? 

  5. What is the meaning of life? 

  6. Where is everything headed? 

  7. Who is Jesus? 

As followers of Jesus, we have to know, not only how to answer these questions, but to answer them from Scripture itself. What are the Bible's answers—and how are they unique among the world's systems?

I know many of you are  interested in digging deeper into the Christian message and developing your articulation of the Christian message to those who believe differently, so I wanted to personally invite you to join this Biblical Worldview Course.

After this 8-week course, you will be better equipped to articulate—and lead your family in articulating—the Christian message. BECAUSE BEFORE YOU CAN DEFEND IT, YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT IT SAYS.

JOIN US ON Monday nights, October 25–December 13, 8–10 pm.

Sign up at

It’s only eight weeks but could really have a lasting impact. Feel free to invite a friend. 

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Driving to the Night by Frank Schröter