Answer Anyone with Sye Ten Bruggencate: Where's the Evidence for God's Existence?

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“If God is real, where’s the evidence?” This is one objection that I hear a lot as a Christian apologist. And on the surface, it seems like a totally fair question. After all, we live in a scientific age, a rational age (at least, supposedly), and we have come to expect a certain standard of evidential accountability from those who make truth claims. And certainly, the existence of God is a truth claim.

However, what if the question of God’s existence is not something that can be answered using evidence, but rather is a a prerequisite for even believing that evidence is meaningful at all? In other words, what if atheists, skeptics and unbelievers have the issue completely backwards?

That’s what Joel Settecase and Sye Ten Bruggencate discuss in this first-ever episode of “Answer Anyone with Sye Ten Bruggencate.”

Specifically, you’ll find out…

What apologetics is.

What evidence is.

Why the very use of evidence presupposes God’s existence.

How a presuppositional approach to apologetics can answer the question of God’s existence best, and why Joel and Sye don’t typically use that phrase.

How Joel first started using Sye’s material back in the day, and what was the response of his youth group students.

Much, much more. This episode is packed!

About Sye Ten Bruggencate

Sye Ten Bruggencate is a former stationary engineer (boiler operator) from Canada. His story is really incredible to hear, and you will hear it in this episode. He has been teaching Christians how to defend their faith for over 10 years. Support his work here:

About Joel Settecase

Joel Settecase is the founder and lead teacher of the Think Institute ( and host of the Think Podcast ( A former pastor, Joel’s mission is to equip believers to explain, share and defend the Christian message.

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Music Credits: 

Hip Hop Intro 02 by TaigaSoundProd
