Why Did God Really Flood the Earth? (And 4 More Challenges to Biblical Christianity, Answered) (Copy)
This is an apologetics AMA Joel Settecase did on Discord, answering five (5) questions from participants.
This is an apologetics AMA Joel Settecase did on Discord, answering six (5) questions from participants.
Questions answered:
1. What was the main reason for the Genesis 6 punishment (the global flood)?
2. Is it true goodness, if it's coerced or bribed?
3. When will the faithful community push back and gain ground against the gay lobby?
4. Should Christians reject all violence, as Tolstoy said?
5. If God is so loving, why does he send all non-believers to Hell?
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Music Credits:
Driving to the Night by Frank Schröter Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/8085-driving-to-the-night License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Synthwave Intro 03 by TaigaSoundProd Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/7299-synthwave-intro-03 License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license