An Open Letter to President-Elect Biden [Christian Perspective]
Yesterday the electors voted, and Joe Biden received the needed electoral votes. Barring some unlikely turnaround, it appears Biden will be inaugurated as POTUS 46 in January. So then, this seems like as good a place as any to post an open letter to the president-elect.
Mr. Biden,
Congratulations on your election to the presidency.
May the next four years find you faithfully discharging your duty to the citizens of the United States as God's servant, doing all that is constitutionally and divinely required of you, approving what is good and bringing wrath on evildoers. No less, and no more than this (cf. Romans 13:1-6).
Many who follow Christ were apprehensive about your agenda and priorities. Many were pulling for the other guy. And many Christians who didn't support him couldn't support you either, in good conscience.
However now that you've won, know that you, as the duly elected chief executive of our nation, will have our support, insofar as you conduct yourself lawfully and faithfully as our representative. Know further that you will definitely be in our prayers.
God’s word tells us to pray for you, “so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (1 Timothy 2:2). May your presidency be one that fosters the kind of societal “soil” in which such tranquility and liberty can grow and flourish. Many Christians remain apprehensive, given the policies and ideologies you have endorsed; but all of us trust in the God to whom we pray—the God to whom you will one day give an account—to guide you.
May you listen to His guidance.
And may you come to see that your support for abortion and other unbiblical policies and practices is not just bad policy but sinful against God. And may you further understand that the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), and that God loved sinners like you enough to send His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place and rise again. And finally, may you come to know our Christ as your own Lord and Savior, entrusting yourself to Him, and may the next four years prove to be a joyful surprise to apprehensive Christians everywhere.
Again, we will be praying for you. And whether or not your candidacy had our support in November, your office has our respect today.
Joel Settecase
Founder & Lead Teacher, The Think Institute