Where Christian Morality Comes From, Atheists “Breathing God’s Air,” and Building Parallel Institutions vs. Influencing Mainstream


God's will is good. It is perfect. And it is pleasing. It's objectively pleasing. Good. It leads to good outcomes, the best outcomes.  It is perfect. It is completely flawless. There is nothing wrong with it. There is not a hint of moral imperfection in the will of God.  And it is  pleasing. When you know God, when you love God, when you are filled with the Holy Spirit,  God's will is pleasing to you.

Even when he doesn't give you what you asked for,  even, even if, and even when you have to endure suffering,  when you know God, when you have the Holy Spirit within you, you trust him.

—Where Does Christian Morality Come From? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8Hfe_VR4hk 


Imagine a person who comes in here tonight and argues 'no air exists' but continues to breathe air while he argues. Now intellectually, atheists continue to breathe - they continue to use reason and draw scientific conclusions [which assumes an orderly universe], to make moral judgments [which assumes absolute values] - but the atheistic view of things would in theory make such 'breathing' impossible. They are breathing God's air all the time they are arguing against him.
—Greg L. Bahnsen


Should Christians today primarily be seeking to create parallel institutions (like homeschooling co-ops and networks) or to influence mainstream ones (like public schools)?
Reply in the next seven days, and I will write you back. 

In Christ, 

Joel Settecase

President, The Think Institute

P. S. Want an update on our new Christian worldview curriculum, which you helped fund through our Every Mind Renewed campaign? We are making good progress. We have completed the syllabus and finished writing the first two lessons (of 12 total) and slide decks. We have also piloted the first two lessons at Village Bible Church in Sugar Grove, Illinois, where I’m teaching a Biblical Worldview class. Want to check out the web page for that? Look here: https://villagebible.church/event/2024-09-22-biblical-worldview/. Lord willing, we will roll out Lesson 3 this weekend. Please continue to pray for this! 

P. P. S. Would you like an inside look at the ideas that are going into the biblical worldview curriculum? We’ve been working through a Christian Worldview series on Youtube, where I “beta test” the ideas that will make it into the course. I humbly think these videos will be really helpful for you for strengthening your own understanding of Scripture and how it speaks to life’s biggest issues. So far, we have released the following videos for you: 

1. Why the Trinity is ABSOLUTELY Necessary for Logic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDPOl7TFrJc

2. What a Biblical Worldview ACTUALLY Looks Like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7mE6_02YaQ

3. What the Bible Really Says About the Meaning of Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVVL1DUsEWM

4.The Biblical Christian Worldview’s Metaphysics Make it BETTER than Other Religions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeWHm8drt2g

5. Where Does Christian Morality Come From? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8Hfe_VR4hk (this one got fiery with the atheistic comments in the chat!)