What Christians Must Show About Logic, Why the World Sees the Church as a Threat, and a Question About the Importance of the Trinity

Welcome to The Think Institute’s Weekly Newsletter. Every Friday, you get an idea from me, a quote from somebody else, and something to think about. As always, I hope it makes you think. If you enjoy this, please feel free to pass it on to a friend. And you can read all the back issues here: https://thethink.institute/archives


If we believe that it's important not to hold any contradictory beliefs which we do as Christians. We believe that only Christianity is true. Then we're going to have to show why contradictions matter, why contradictions actually are a problem.  Contradictions violate the laws of logic. And we're going to have to show why only the Christian worldview actually makes sense of the laws of logic. 

—Why the Trinity is ASOLUTELY Necessary for Logic, 



It’s easy to see why such overburdened men [as pastors are] might not see the church “terrible as an army with banners” that Christ’s enemies see quite clearly: an enormous number of people who:

  1. Hold a moral code that is immutable and demanding of loyalty and even sacrifice in the face of any contrary social convention or law;

  2. Voluntarily gather every week, in hundreds of thousands of auditoria, to hear lectures on that code and its application;

  3. Reach into all professions and every area of human endeavor, transforming them according to standards beyond any human opinion or control.

Caesar saw this quite clearly. He saw it as a political threat, and no quantity of reassurance that “My kingdom is not of this world” would placate him. People who refuse to change their beliefs at society’s whim are dangerous: at best they challenge the conscience, at worst they represent an existential threat to a state or a civil order gone bad.

—Rod D. Martin, “Why Does Caesar Hate Us?


Can a person be a Christian without believing in the Trinity? Does it make a difference if he's never been taught the Trinity, vs. having been taught it and rejecting it? What do you think?

Reply in the next seven days, and I will write you back. 

In Christ, 

Joel Settecase

President, The Think Institute

P.S. We still have two weeks left until the end of our end-of-Summer campaign, “Every Mind Renewed.” As I type this, we are 70% of the way toward reaching our goal of raising $7500 to fuel the work of The Think Institute in equipping Christian men, families, and local churches to articulate, share, and defend the Christian worldview. You can help us create a brand new educational resource that will bless countless believers and challenge countless non-Christians with the Bible’s truth claims. Will you partner with us in this commitment? Go here to make a gift of any size today: https://thinkinstitute-bloom.kindful.com/?campaign=1322856. Thank you!