The Impossibility of the Contrary, The Importance of the Trinity, and a Question About False Religions

Welcome to The Think Institute Newsletter. Today we are getting philosophical, emphasizing the inescapable truth of the biblical worldview, which came up in my opening statement of a recent debate livestream. We’re also going to hear from Dr. Jason Lisle, an astrophysicist who is doing amazing work in the defense of the Christian message. If you enjoy this Newsletter, please consider making a donation to The Think Institute, to help support our work.

Now let’s get into your Newsletter. 


 So here's the point. Logic, morality, and science make sense if the biblical worldview is true. And you need these transcendentals, these preconditions, in order to even investigate if Christianity is true. So, to ask if Christianity is true, to investigate whether Christianity is true, you have to presuppose the truth of the biblical Christian worldview.

How do we know Christianity is true? Because of the impossibility of the contrary. And if Christianity is true, by Christianity's own claims, no other religion can be. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through him. 

Source: LIVE Christian vs. Atheists Debate Stream Tonight!


The way God has structured his universe is such that it's possible to classify things. And I think he did it that way, partly for our benefit, and I think partly because it extends from his triune nature. 

God is one in nature of being; he's three in persons. And so when God created different things in the universe, they have certain things in common. They're one in one sense, but they're different in another sense. This is the issue of the one and the many, which I would argue the Trinitarian God makes sense of, and no other worldview can really make sense of that. 

—Jason Lisle, astrophysicist and author. Source: 


We need logic, morality, and science to make sense of the world, but all those things rely on God for their existence. That means it’s impossible to make sense of the world without God. And yet, there are so many false religions. What do you think was the origin of false religions in history?

Reply to this email in seven days, and I will write you back. 

In Christ, 

Joel Settecase

P. S. I am going to be in Newark, NJ this Saturday for DebateCon 5! I will be there with our debate moderator and Hammer & Anvil Society member, Alexxander Medeiros, AKA Triple X (catch him on YouTube).  Please pray for a safe and productive trip, and if you’re in the area, let me know!