How False Religions Mishandle the Bible, The Only Two Types of Worshipers, A Question About “Abrahamic” Religions


Some non-Christian religions involve the Bible. However, they take a different approach to the Bible than we take as Christians. As Christians, we believe the Bible is the highest authority for our lives in terms of what we believe and how we live. completely true. We also believe the Bible is reliable. We can trust what it says. And when it comes to the teachings we need to know to answer life’s biggest questions, we believe the Bible is clear. In other words, we believe the Bible has three qualities that are very important: authority, reliability, and clarity. 

Many false religions, sects, and cults pay lip service to the Bible. However, they seek to undermine the Bible in one of these three ways. They diminish its authority, or they question its reliability, or they deny its clarity. 

—Source: Thoughts On Religion: Why Do Non-Christian Groups Use the Bible?


“Paul knows only two classes of people, those who worship and serve the Creator and those who worship and serve the creature more than the Creator. He had once upon a time worshiped and served the creature; then on the way to Damascus he had learned to worship and serve the Creator. Therein lay his conversion. To get men to worship and serve the Creator rather than the creature, therein lay his mission after his conversion. He knew the hatred of those who worshiped and served the creature against those who worshiped and served the Creator. It was that hatred that had impelled him to go to Damascus to find and bind those that were of ‘that Way,’ that served the Creator. He was prepared now to be the victim, if need be, rather than the persecutor. Men must at all costs be shown the folly of worshiping the creature; the issue between the two types of worshipers must never be blurred.” 

—Source: Cornelius Van Til, “Why I Believe in God”


Would you agree with Cornelius Van Til that everyone either worships the Creator or the creature? What about modern-day followers of the “Abrahamic religions” of Judaism or Islam, or “Christian” cults? In what sense are they worshiping the creature, even while claiming to worship the Creator?

Respond to this email in the next seven days, and I will write you back.