Family Discipleship, Sproul on the Gift of Life, and Bible Reading in 2024


“The household is the fundamental building block of society. As such, it is the sine qua non—the essential precondition—of societal transformation. The first step in pursuing our mission of making a huge impact for the Kingdom of God in our local areas is to make a huge impact for the gospel in our own households.”

Source: This is taken from the Family Discipleship Course, which starts January 15, 2024 in the Hammer & Anvil Society. Christian men, learn more about the Society and how to join, here:


“In creation God is not obliged to give us the gift of life. He is not in debt to us. The gift of life comes by His grace and stands under His divine authority. The task that is given to mankind in creation is to bear witness to the holiness of God, to be His image bearer. We are made to mirror and reflect the holiness of God. We are made to be His ambassadors.” —R. C. Sproul, 

Source: R. C. Sproul, The Holiness of God (Sanford, Florida: Ligonier, 2022), 91.  


How long has it been since you read through the entire Bible? I did the math, and I figured out that it takes 101 hours, 34 minutes, and 18 seconds for an average person to read through the entire Bible.* That means that, if you want to read through the whole thing over the next year, you’d need to read less than 17 minutes each day. I’ve committed to reading straight through, from Genesis to Revelation, with our two oldest children this year. If you are reading through the Bible this year as well, let me know. It’s always encouraging to know there are others on the same journey. 

(FYI I’m doing this as part of our firstborn son’s Bar Yeshua rite of passage into manhood. You can see my plan for that here, and you can listen to my podcast episode with Dr. Vern Poythress about it here).


Thanks for reading this newsletter. I hope it you found it helpful, and I hope it made you think. 

In Christ, 

Joel Settecase

Executive Director

The Think Institute