What the Apostles' Willingness to Die Proves (Dr. Sean McDowell Explains)
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Why Belief In Unicorns Makes More Sense Than Atheism
Apologetics, Evidentialism, Guest post, ArticlesJoel Settecaseevolution, darwinism, unicorn, atheism, old earth, young earth, creation, evolutionism, narwhal, scott youngren, evidential apologetics, evidentialism, apologetics, presuppositionalism, presup, presuppositional apologetics
Mind-Blowing Evidence to Enhance Your Confidence in Christianity, with J. Warner Wallace
Evidence, podcast, Interviews, EvidentialismJoel Settecasej warner wallace, evidence, apologetics, evidentialism, extraordinary evidence, christianity, presuppositional, presup, datpresup, datpresupp, presupp