How to Deal with LGBTQ Friends as a Christian

How have you dealt with friends and neighbors in your life, who considered themselves part of the LGBTQ community? 

We are going to answer the question, “How should you deal with LGBTQ friends as a Christian?”

This episode is going to tell you how to treat people who consider themselves LGBTQ, in a way that is based, and that stands uncompromisingly on the word of God. Today you’re going to hear from Dr. J. Alan Branch. He wrote the book, 50 Ethical Questions: Biblical Wisdom for Confusing Times. He’s an ethicist and ethics professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Questions he will answer include:

  • How has society’s attitude toward LGBTQ people changed?

  • What is a woman? And what is a man?

  • Why is men playing women’s sports really such a problem?

  • What is the hidden, darker side of the LGBTQ movement?

  • How can Christians evangelize LGBTQ people?

  • What are the inherent contradictions in the LGBTQ movement?

  • Why are boundaries and unconditional love both important with your LGBTQ friends? 

  • When might it not be a good idea to counsel a same-sex attracted person to get jump into a marriage?

  • Why are biblical revisionists’ arguments nonsense?

  • Should you go to your child’s same-sex wedding?

Resource mentioned: 50 Ethical Questions: Biblical Wisdom for Confusing Times, by J. Alan Branch 


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Music Credits:

Synthwave Intro 10 by TaigaSoundProd

