Does The Great Commission Specifically Require Evangelism?

It's been said that modern problems require modern solutions. But for this problem, we're going to tap into a resource that has been tried and true for nearly two thousand years. I'm talking about the Great Commission. And it's all about making disciples. But I'm here to talk to you about evangelism.

It’s been said that modern problems require modern solutions. But for this problem, we’re going to tap into a resource that has been tried and true for nearly two thousand years. I’m talking about the Great Commission. And it’s all about making disciples. But I’m here to talk to you about evangelism. The question is, “What is the connection between evangelism and disciple making? Does the Great Commission specifically require evangelism Is it possible for your church to be a disciplemaking church without being an evangelistic one? What I want to show you is that... “Without Evangelism, there is no Great Commission.”

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