3 Reasons Why America Should Be a Christian Nation

This is an important question, because every nation is going to be centered on some worldview or other. If not Christianity, then something else.

You can listen to the our full statement on this, as well as our recent debate, at the link at the end of this article.

A Key Fact to Consider

Remember that Christianity spreads not through force, but rather through evangelism and discipleship, (Rom. 10:14; Mat. 28:19).

What Is a Christian Nation?

For our purposes, a Christian nation is one in which there is:

  • Sphere sovereignty. Four “spheres” of authority are recognized: civil government, church/religion, family, and the individual.

  • Biblical basis. These “spheres” look to the Bible for their definitions, rules, and how they should adapt over time.

  • Christological emphasis. The nation’s guiding principles are found in the Bible, with an emphasis on the New Testament and special focus on Christ’s teachings and work.

Jesus is the “author and finisher of our faith” (He 12:2). So a Christian nation would be based on His teachings, character, and goals. It would resemble Jesus.

Christianity is not spread by The U.S. should be a Christian nation, for three reasons.

Three Reasons Why America Should Be a Christian Nation

Reason #1: Christianity Is True

Christianity is rooted in historical fact, not mere abstract teachings. The Bible gives the basis for logic, morality, and science and tells us our origin, purpose and destiny. In the Trinity we find the origin of love, justice and unity in diversity. It uniquely explains human experience.

Reason #2: Christianity Is Good

The Bible's teachings order society. It gives both rationale and limits to the civil government's power (cf. Rom. 13). It recognizes other centers of sovereignty (church, family, and self), with God as Supreme over all. Scripture balances both liberty and responsibility.

Reason #3: Christianity Is Beautiful

Where Christianity has spread, it has brought literacy, education, medicine, scientific advancements, moral improvements and civil rights. Not to mention beautiful art and architecture!

Discussion Questions:

  • How would you define a Christian nation?

  • Why might someone not want America to be a Christian nation?

  • What would be some benefits of living in a Christian nation? What challenges might there be?

  • How can you personally spread the Christian message?

Listen to the debate, “Should America Be a Christian Nation?”

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